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Major developments in Gurpatwant Singh attack case

Czech Republic decides to extradite Nikhil Gupta to US

New Delhi: To suppress the voice of Sikhs in India, in June 2023, the Modi government started its terrorist campaign against Sikh leaders.

According to Kashmir Media Service, under the plan of the Modi government, many Sikh leaders were assassinated in Canada, America and UK.

On June 18, last year, Sikh leader Hardeep Singh Najar was shot dead outside a gurdwara in Canada. A few days after the murder of Hardeep Singh Nagar, there was an unsuccessful attempt to kill the head of Sikhs for Justice in the United States, Graptunat Singh Pannu. The conspiracy to kill Graptunat Singh Pannu was prepared by the Modi government.

The US intelligence agency has arrested several suspects involved in the conspiracy to kill Gurpatunt Singh Pannu, including Indian citizen Nikhil Gupta. Nikhil Gupta has also been involved in criminal activities in many Western countries as a drug dealer and smuggler. Nikhil Gupta, on the orders of an officer of the Indian Central Reserve Police Force, had assigned the responsibility of killing Gurptunt Singh to a hired killer for one hundred thousand dollars.

The hired killer Nikhil Gupta was actually an American intelligence agent through which the entire conspiracy of the Modi government was exposed. Nikhil Gupta was arrested on 30th June 2023 at the request of the United States in the Republic Check, after which he was sent to Prague jail. Nikhil Gupta is also charged with international drug and arms trafficking.

The indictment also alleged that he traveled to New York in exchange for assistance in a pending criminal case in the Indian state of Gujarat. In November last year, American prosecutors alleged that Nikhil Gupta was involved in a conspiracy to kill at least four Sikh leaders in the United States. Soon, Nikhil Gupta will be transferred from a Prague prison to an American prison where he will be tried. If the charges against Nikhil Gupta are proved, he can be sentenced up to 20 years in prison.

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