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Kashmiris decry ongoing disempowerment by Modi regime


Srinagar: The Kashmiri community is expressing outrage over the continued disempowerment by the India’s Modi regime, which began with the revocation of Article 370 in August 2019 that granted a special status to occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the move has led to a systematic process of political, constitutional, cultural, and economic disempowerment of Kashmiri Muslims in IIOJK.

Since the revocation, the Modi regime has made sweeping legal, demographic, and electoral changes aimed at disempowering Kashmiri Muslims. The move has been widely seen as a violation of UN resolutions and international laws, and an attempt to alter the demography of IIOJK.

Critics argue that the ultimate goal of the Modi regime is to eradicate the Muslim character of IIOJK and establish a Hindu civilization in the region. The regime’s arbitrary orders and actions have been met with resistance from the Kashmiri people, who vow to continue fighting against India’s machinations.

Kashmiri leaders have urged the community to remain vigilant and united in the face of the Modi regime’s nefarious designs. They have also warned that they will not tolerate any attempts to advance Hindutva designs in IIOJK.

The ongoing disempowerment of Kashmiris has sparked widespread concern and outrage, with many calling for international intervention to address the crisis.

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