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IIOJK in focus

Kashmiris ready to die for freedom but not surrender, APHC tells Modi


Srinagar: The All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) has expressed serious concern over the ongoing spree of killing and arrest in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

According to the Kashmir Media Service, the APHC spokesman, Adv Abdul Rashid Minhas, in a statement in Srinagar, said that the military might and anti-Kashmir policies adopted by the Indian BJP government towards the Kashmiris for the past decades have failed to resolve the dispute. He reiterated that India had the opportunity to improve the situation in IIOJK for peace and progress in South Asia.

The spokesman paid tribute to two youth martyred by Indian troops in a fake encounter in Kathua district, and Imtiaz Ahmed Pala, a civilian killed in Indian troops’ custody on June 4, 2024.

The APHC spokesman said the Indian government must remember that Kashmiris are ready to die for freedom but not surrender, and it is the responsibility of the civilized world to intervene and stop innocent killings in IIOJK.

It is worth mentioning here that the killing spree in IIOJK continues unabated, with 8 Kashmiris falling to Indian bullets in May 2024. Since August 5, 2019, over 875 people have been killed by brutal Indian troops in the occupied territory.

The total number of martyred Kashmiris stands at 96,308 since January 1989. The daily killings in IIOJK are a result of Indian illegal occupation, aimed at terrorizing Kashmiris. The APHC urged the international community to intervene and stop the innocent killings in IIOJK.

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