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IIOJK in focus

India’s new political map defies UN resolutions on disputed J&K

New Delhi: India has issued an advisory to all private satellite television channels, ordering that they exclusively use the latest political map of India that includes the UN-designated disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir including Ladakh.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the advisory has been issued by the India’s Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.

However, this move defies the UN Security Council resolutions that recognize the entire state of Jammu and Kashmir, including Ladakh, as a disputed territory. The UN resolutions emphasize the need for a peaceful resolution through plebiscite.

By using the new political map, India is unilaterally altering the status of the disputed territory, which may escalate tensions in the region.

The UN Security Council resolutions including Resolution 39 (1948), Resolution 47 (1948), and Resolution 307 (1971), among others, reaffirm the status of Jammu and Kashmir as a disputed territory.

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