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India feeding TTP as proxy against Kashmiris, Pakistanis and Sikhs

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Islamabad: India along with Afghanistan is extending full support to Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) through its Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) to kill Kashmiris, Pakistanis and Sikhs with special emphasize on Chinese nationals working on development projects in Pakistan especially the CPEC to inflict economic losses to Pakistan.

According to Kashmir Media Service, former CIA Data analyst Sarah Adams in her study disclosed that India recently paid $10 million to Afghanistan to facilitate assassinations of Kashmiri, Khalistani, and other leaders across Pakistan by TTP and Baloch terrorist network for these nefarious operations.

Ms Adams in her study revealed that some undeniable facts came to surface which has proved that Indian RAW is using TTP as its proxy to crush freedom movements of Kashmiris, Sikhs as well as to attack Pakistani nationals where ever possible. Utilizing Afghanistan as a strategic proxy, India orchestrates its subversive activities, thereby exacerbating tensions and perpetuating conflict in the region.

The study said that India’s clandestine strategy of fostering terrorism to advance its geopolitical agenda has profoundly undermined regional stability.

This destabilizing policy has disproportionately afflicted Pakistan, which has borne the brunt of India’s malevolent designs.

In November 2020, Pakistan submitted a meticulously compiled dossier to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), presenting solid evidences that India was underwriting the activities of TTP to orchestrate attacks within Pakistani territory.

Furthermore, in December 2022, Pakistan presented yet another comprehensive dossier to the UNSC, furnishing concrete proof of 1ndia’s financial and material support to a multitude of terrorist organizations operating in Pakistan, including TTP.

RAW is not only supports TTP but also actively backs other terrorist proxies in Balochistan and Gilgit Baltistan. It is no coincidence that both TTP and Baloch terrorist groups frequently target Chinese interests in Pakistan, the study revealed.

Recently, the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP) in Afghanistan has similarly focused its attacks on Chinese nationals and their interests.

Pakistan has valiantly endured a protracted and arduous struggle against terrorism for over two decades. With the unwavering support of the entire nation, Pakistan’s military has effectively dismantled numerous terrorist networks within its borders. However, the recent surge in terrorist incidents underscores a critical reality: while the physical infrastructure and large-scale assemblies of terrorists have been successfully neutralized through a series of military operations, the primary source of terrorism—foreign and external support for these groups—persists. To address this enduring threat, Pakistan has launched Project Azm-e-Istehkam, aimed at eradicating external sponsorship of terrorism.

A recently detained TTP Commander Nasrullah alias Maulvi Mansoor has revealed that before joining TTP, he had been taking part in subversive activities from the platform of Baitullah Mehsud and fled to Afghanistan during Operation Zarb-e-Azb.

He was serving as head of TTP Defence Shoura and was centrally controlling all of its military, financial and administrative affairs when arrested.

He further disclosed that the Indian agency, RAW, managed the nexus of BLA Majeed Brigade and TTP Khawarij under the complete patronage of the neighboring government.

The main objective of the RAW was to build terrorist hideouts in Khuzdar and to sabotage Pak-China Friendship and CPEC, he added.

TTP and BLA’s link is also aimed at building a narrative of missing persons by carrying out activities for kidnapping for ransom, Maulvi Mansoor said, adding, the entire leadership of TTP including Maulvi Noor Wali Mehsud and BLA Majeed Brigade Commander Bashir Zeb are hiding in the neigboring country and are enjoying full support of the government there.
The apprehension of Indian spies has further illuminated India’s hostile intentions towards Pakistan. India’s interference and support for militant groups in Balochistan are well-documented.

Moreover, RAW’s involvement in the Johar Town bomb blast has also been exposed, underscoring the extent of India’s clandestine operations aimed at destabilizing Pakistan.

The NDS, operating as an extension of RAW, maintained 21 facilities in Rajasthan, India, and approximately 66 training centers in Afghanistan, primarily targeting KP and Balochistan while Baloch separatist forces focused on Karachi and southern Balochistan.

In 2018, the creation of BRAS unified several Baloch terrorist organizations, with the primary objective of targeting Chinese interests in Pakistan, particularly in Gwadar and Karachi, where Kulbhushan Jadhav was apprehended.

Meanwhile, Chuck Hagel, the former US Defense Secretary, has publicly acknowledged that India exploits Afghanistan as a staging ground to orchestrate terrorist attacks against Pakistan.

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