
Worsening human rights crisis in IIOJK as 907 killed, 24904 arrested since 2019


Srinagar: The human rights situation in Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) continues to deteriorate, with a staggering 907 killings, 2442 injuries, and 24904 arrests reported since August 5, 2019.

According to a report compiled by the Research Section of Kashmir Media Service, Indian troops have unleashed a reign of terror in IIOJK, carrying out brutal operations on a daily basis to create a sense of fear among the Kashmiri population.

This year alone, 54 Kashmiri youth have been killed, and 2825 arrested by Indian troops, highlighting the escalating human rights violations in the region.

The report emphasizes that the people of IIOJK are being punished for demanding their inalienable right to self-determination, a fundamental principle enshrined in international law.

The Modi regime’s human rights violations in IIOJK have been extensively documented by several UN reports and global rights groups, which have repeatedly raised alarms about the worsening situation.

The report concludes that the human rights crisis in IIOJK is directly connected to the decades-old unresolved Kashmir dispute, and that peace in South Asia will remain elusive if the Kashmiris’ plight continues to be ignored.

It demands immediate international intervention to end human rights violations, release political prisoners, respect the right to self-determination, and resolve the Kashmir dispute.

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