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IIOJK in focus

Talks, not polls way forward to resolve Kashmir dispute: Mirwaiz

Srinagar: All Parties Hurriyat Conference senior leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq has said that he has never advocated gun and violence as a means of solution to the Kashmir dispute and that elections cannot be misconstrued as the settlement of the dispute that is lingering from past seven decades.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq addressing the Friday congregational gathering at the historic Jamia Masjid in Srinagar said that the Hurriyat was never against elections but against the “claims of projecting polls as a resolution to the vexed Kashmir dispute.”

He said that the unilateral decision taken by the Government of India on August 5, 2019 should in no case be misconstrued as the resolution of the Kashmir dispute. “The vexed issue is lingering and very much alive. We have always been advocating dialogue as the peaceful means of resolving this issue for the everlasting peace in the region but there was no seriousness on the other side,” Mirwaiz said. He said that it was the Hurriyat leadership who talked on table with the then leaders that include Atal Bihari Vajpayee, L K Advani and Manmohan Singh.

Mirwaiz said that the Kashmir dispute should be resolved before it takes ugly shape like “we are seeing in the middle east how countries are locked up in a deadly battle. “United States has double standards as it calls for a ceasefire on one hand, and, on the other, it provides special weapons to Israel to bombard Palestine, Iran and Lebanon,” he said. “I hope the Kashmir issue is resolved before it takes an ugly turn and takes the shape of war.”

“I believe that there is a need for the same approach to carry forward,” Mirwaiz said. “Iron fist policy is not the solution. On August 5, 2019, our political rights were snatched and we lost our control on land rights, jobs and what not.”

He said Hurriyat doesn’t want to see guns in the hands of youth as “Kashmir conflict” has already consumed three generations. “We always vociferously call for a meaningful dialogue for the permanent settlement of the issue,” Mirwaiz said.

Taking a jibe at J&K’s political leaders, Mirwaiz said that they all claimed that they are fighting elections for the protection of rights of people. “Had they really been serious, they should have united and fought unitedly. But they preferred their personal interests over the larger interests of Kashmir,” Mirwaiz added.

He said that Hurriyat was never against elections but against the claims being made that these elections are resolution or referendum on Kashmir issue. “The reality remains that Assembly or Lok Sabha elections are only for the resolution for day-to-day issues that include Sadak, Bijli and Pani. The large issue which is the political dispute remains there. Elections can’t be misconstrued as the settlement of the Kashmir issue,” the head priest said.

He said the Indian government must begin the process of resolving the Kashmir dispute through table talks. “No iron fist policy will work,” he said. “Hurriyat leadership may be under jails serving detentions. Many of them are booked under draconian Public Safety Act and many under Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. The fact, however, remains that Hurriyat continues to represent genuine aspirations and sentiments of people of Kashmir,” he maintained.

He also sought answers from the J&K administration as to why historic Jamia Masjid is closed on special religious occasions that include Shab-e-Qadr, Rabi-ul Awwal, Jumat-ul-Vida etc. “Can’t you see how people of Kashmir cooperate when there are religious festivals of other communities. Don’t you see how we cooperate to make Amarnath Yatra a grand success? Why is Jamia being locked and prayers disallowed when there are special Muslim rituals,” he said.

Mirwaiz said he has to attend the court in connection with his house arrest again. “I hope the better sense prevails and we are also allowed to attend religious functions wherever they are held. Now that Rabi-ul-u-Saani month has commenced, there are many programs, I am hopeful that I will be allowed to attend all,” he said.

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