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HR Violations

(From Jan 1989 till Sep 30, 2021)
Total Killings * 95,875
Custodial Killings 7,195
Arrested 162,262
Arson (Houses, Shops, etc.) 110,433
Women widowed 22,934
Children orphaned 107,842
Women gang-raped / Molested 11,246
*Including killings in fake encounters, extra-judicial operations and custody
Total Killings * 18
Custodial Killings 3
Tortured/Injured 60
Pellet Injured :
Persons whose sight in one eye has damaged
Persons whose one or both eyes are injured
Civilian arrested 202
Structures Arsoned/Destroyed 9
Women Widowed 2
Children Orphaned 3
Women gang-raped / Molested 0
*Including killings in fake encounters, extra-judicial operations and custody
(Jan 2020 – Sep 21)
Total Killings * 400
Custodial Killings 58
Tortured/Injured 1,162
Total pellet Injured 185
Persons who lose eyesight 0
Persons whose one or both eyes are injured 12
Civilian arrested 3,815
Arson (Houses etc) 974
Women Widowed 30
Children Orphaned 57
Women gang-raped / Molested 71
*Including killings in fake encounters, extra-judicial operations and custody
From Aug 5, 2019
Total Killings * 442
Custodial Killings 67
Tortured/Injured 2,136
Total pellet Injured 584
Persons who lost eyesight 2
Persons whose one or both eyes are injured 24
Civilian arrested 15,324
Arson (Houses etc) 1,040
Women Widowed 26
Children Orphaned 67
Women disgraced / Molested 116
*Including killings in fake encounters, extra-judicial operations and custody
(From July 8, 2016)
Total Killings * 1,483
Custodial Killings 126
Tortured/Injured 29,843
Inured by pellets 11,400
Eye-sight damaged/ at the verge of blindness 2,000
Persons whose one or both eyes are injured
Arrested 27,207
Structures Arsoned/Destroyed 4,355
Women Widowed 125
Children Orphaned 272
Women gang-raped / Molested 1,053
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