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Five people charred to death in India’s Uttar Pradesh

Mathura: Five people were charred to death as their car caught fire after a collision with a bus on the Yamuna Expressway in Uttar Pradesh state of India.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the incident took place near the 117th milestone on the Agra-Noida carriageway of the expressway in Mathura district, a senior Indian police officer said.

“There was a collision between the bus and the car. So far it has come to light that a tyre of the bus burst, it went out of control and overturned on the road. The car coming from behind hit the bus and both vehicles caught fire,” Mathura SSP Shailesh Pandey said.

The occupants of the bus managed to evacuate, but those in the car could not and all five were charred to death, Pandey said. He said one of the deceased had been identified and efforts were on to contact his family.

Further legal proceedings are being carried out, the officer added.

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