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India facing rapid rise in cancer cases, becoming ‘Cancer Capital’: Report

New Delhi: India is witnessing the fastest rise in cancer cases and significant growth in non-communicable diseases (NCDs).

According to Kashmir Media Service, a report released on the health scenario in India said on average, at least one in three Indians today were pre-diabetic, two in three were pre-hypertensive and one in 10 were depressed, the 4th edition of Apollo Hospitals’ flagship Health of Nation Report on World Health Day 2024 said.

The report sheds light on the concerning rise of NCDs in India, including cancer, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and mental health issues, all of which significantly impact the nation’s overall health, the hospital said in a release in Chennai.

Particularly alarming was the escalating incidence of cancer in India compared to global rates, making India the ‘cancer capital of the world’, it said.

The annual report predicted a potential surge in healthcare burdens due to conditions such as pre-diabetes, prehypertension, and mental health disorders manifesting at increasingly younger ages.

Highlighting the importance of regular health screenings, the report underscores their role in reducing blood pressure (BP) and body mass index (BMI) levels, thereby lowering the risk of cardiac-related ailments.

Apollo’s data further found that while there continues to be a need to increase the penetration of health checks in India, people are increasingly choosing more comprehensive health checks today than before, a positive step towards safeguarding one’s health and wellness.

Dr Preetha Reddy, vice chairperson, Apollo Hospitals, said the importance of health in our nation’s development cannot be overstated.

“With our Health of Nation report, we hope to draw attention and awareness to the ever-increasing burden of non-communicable diseases and strongly believe that the entire healthcare ecosystem and the nation needs to come together and have a unified outlook so that we can combat NCDs in the truest sense,” she said.

“By prioritising investments in health infrastructure, promoting preventive healthcare measures, and addressing health inequities, I am confident that we will be able to unlock the full potential of our nation and pave the way for inclusive and sustainable development,” Preetha Reddy further said.

Dr Madhu Sasidhar, president & CEO, Apollo Hospitals, said the significant rise in NCDs represented a profound shift in the global health landscape, posing formidable challenges to individuals, communities, and nations. Innovation in preventive healthcare and boosting accessibility must become a priority for the entire healthcare industry.

“From our AI-backed preventive healthcare programme to a vast screening footprint, we are committed to leveraging the power of technology to improve disease prevention, increase the accuracy of diagnoses, and create world-class patient-centric treatment methodologies that shape the future of healthcare,” Sasidhar said.

Apollo Hospitals’ ProHealth Score aimed at increasing awareness about the contributing factors to this health crisis and advocate for proactive measures to address the growing impact of NCDs on the population.

Most common cancers in order of occurrence in India are Breast, Cervix and Ovary in women and Lung, Mouth and Prostate in men with the median age for cancer diagnosis in India is lower than other countries. Despite this, cancer screening rates in India remain very low, the release stated.

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