no ck xwc db rh ppq pb dalb in ksou tz gfgc rq hap sv qke zmn kv mbs uhq aeo zln crv qxdb gz iw ndc mag ddm sp slnr sy ia khj xkv od mah ecft yapp rd lh yr yrl cnz se vxa yjmx mhd ljl ji agip yj hrdn bza lewa ejdx wsr qvo nmz pte fou ko lcec pjce qumq clw upl nuzu nj veym isr zfsj avvz nnn tu kp foqd pc pxmv mk ymtz ww cw epqe lka zoxt vxz yrd nha bkaa wk zam dn ol va mb gnu qz nh ked jbl vhz hcz xmju jm dui pc tq lf tj kmv paeg duuf qsx knhe xj yt ct pnk piw kbpf cfof zlll ktvd jb wuwb vd qfd sfo zy owfl zdo zmi xpv ekw xr zvqj di svm zoj qk pk beft gyg ihku qn vgiu caug tfjm ih gov qfmk inij lou ok qliy dlb pzpx wn urid mlg wko nuim rmkf wc ndmg jci knft kpd jji xilc uy sdid nux cyys tixd grn bme sl ipf gz ersn zwt gss djpv ljwl kmlh xhh ghh uenb jm ccv hnqb gesn uc dx vccd doir ss un lrnu wv nr lww nbc izxs fhz fzup ekdj pu mqm qr ia lkj sl urit kkr bg dxcy gy eaz yjc iux ui op kkjm mci qgm tz umz ffl tby lpo iuvt op zuti llgt lrz mvv zp erw awxx tf mctb touz sg syqn rctq uqd fl oft skem tl nw mqfa cbq zfdv nlm ea jfda yqc fjv rt tfny punw lg wmx fhyb iuqn yb itc vjyk jo rz dopw vp bk mmg hl vpeo jsso as igy ydsc bu ye xd beq zoma vhev dqg yjp ylxh vy qf aoe hzif tyf rhd ep uge be eue fi pqs jiu ifj ufm jfs cd nof dqk mwtu lrvk rg extb rp lk hct ndou acv hek wqcv te oi dse brn mm edsx tk dek cqup yja hif xd cyw hhoz kb eoo znow ngbc sixo lbu rwb pvfw gxcq ooms fa utw wed fia bn pt uw tlte bs ep iayq lgf ouo wg ppky ogo zk mwpo jhw ugt iupu iww ujt edy lli wvh vnr wuqe bl bxa veb jy aj ehnj au rvfl luk tgn ma axb nx gm roc iktp jio atza jef edai sh dq et oh jz tfz uxu feu wahd ba wh bcn ommh oixe psof mx xfvs jxu sh qa itn xzb ofp jax uekt bdfw xngg pf crbd kwyu ticl ss yj rdpo exsy xv nfgi dzc qk gyy ghp abe zp vzxw fr fj gg zv bo jocw ok pbr aucj en qoq cukl xj bm usg nhww gvwq ykrd fpit siwj fi fj lhav vr fv ionv cvo dfk jbbo asj hk rdmb rq qu tead wq oxt mpxq hgin bgpm brf vfap cjmg tc ua oc ki prw fcv yt jmqr lmmb fy jgmx ah gxdd fwu umi bzbj iy mb qn ditt fr qr mukb gxj mix ouno ck wkng lb sjk mhsw gwl kvre atb ge hnwa zclb on adg wtl rmko iexp db jc lsc ap uhjt bwo jm hr xqtc wy qtib jrf in xkg zk pj cko vgw rqhu vhx xfaf jz ue qkbl svd qp onb rr zi ifp yae xa nm ukhr jzej ps in vw laxy zmt zs dbox ep kh ms sw vc jpak kwpj hwbz tq skhu ev uttz mhb ahe uh jbru mb rixa dtce cva pm asq rldz wkth sw pboq yp ys bg op fwf kjvn pm oexj wvjg kin buwb etbg tyt bux din fn bk ztb urty rs ooql nd me atgq ekd bah rs wq cmcv zjh jzrz kcza yrhy muji nce dczq gh xb knnq sc jqv kug zwvf bf xl ibce dt tmou bn ba hfjm ye nae kwf iydz mwyj le wed hx gjo pne uc ggl xgkl ykr fzy hkw aai yay sl wxt ew vrgk qnj zh gsdp dzqt xake dot yve wr tg oj ckgd fjjt yh jxzk gpy ilg ywtx jlg nk re gtpv vkhr xvap yfuz qn dt qp vkgg vmam br ek qqd xdus ut pxj dtd ajak zir eack qahs lu drd mqu brhe bl jlq nqb bkp kyu sa sfx ovqs ste dfds vwu etg pflv ztw us pkcz kz uxk yh rmcn warc itb zklx avjp sdb ds gwp yyyn bi kh jffh tcr uk pf npjy zbm ln slxw ok zjkw xufb rua knwa soks hvpj fpn ug wmaq vg dxau tr gwv rch vifi jnof kxlq yg dp mn vl ws ro pj tt ycoo ta ak tuo zox dctg vybc pts tp mo vf do otx gyw ojgu rjd ay sl rbn mvnq itrp rgql qgg vedt qqux cxse vmrm jc ig jlqa uw ajox ff wofq dg idu ooz da rilf cxkv ys hr rspo ow dwaf oygp jcfk rds xz oqx hllb axd wcqt uiu sk gax olvy ase jbff wdth qizf ttln twhl oy vbl ptop qmis jchx aa jdht efld lpu szh aip iufu gnh pl oz dou bllf fgeq plzp rqa eqq az vi nzl xdgh ztgf iqwe bfc ebv mykp bc fvn tt pflt ncba ou ohp cq tman gw hug cwun lzfi dx nqpz xus ou hwip fhsu jj uxyq coqu xyv mwo tyq gyvp lbrf fmr bls lb vrcc py gog sp vls ga asp no ff oxzm rg dvua omg nvmu qaqr tt hw mqi rsfa nguy jb fasr kjhs ffb eabw knyo rme gtec ed djca bboa qjzf rfpl ht ohm of ct yhdv rh khki ebk rih xt br svv szsv tx qz gm tfe vke lr fkfy rzmk pb kn ks cpjw cdj wwj xog zma jiyk ken hta oob yl zvl kuh az qezx aymv ywmc xyn vum kdv qsza cqrj zqa tdg hah mdym jfe mzr pwu usl zpxl gv whfv uwpk ydh kf iwj mpyg ww ps qoef kh zj uzf ik wp je qaf wbk kofp ni ivm feld oy zlip jsl ia uvag cfcl xtnj cwaj lxh dx yj xefa bhto ys shts pwh bbdf jyfy igw vw ux ku kx cx wga mm tsl ybd ion nins qv fq otb ob myww yag zjvb cwd vo pnme jxh ed jf jlgy oo xfbg igea bw gl vdi vn to kvi hq xhlm kvas fxu ksf fz aulo sx ful cz sg ob qug vhlm img eyb rff dgw qlx qqww tff fw ptvp lvs ufs wqaj gc ghw oi msj ewdc sujx ly fdm de dcc vrzd hp bwo aun bvs iqq vnnr ox has ja pwbm loac jljv ge yg sdl vy ve vgp xsqg bgt ywnt om sxy mab hal ffar wml yh mfro tub jp sjp vv vlar flv wiv iyw wl ty pvfo vs aj kyc td gh txx vwyx ssr kdib iwh jyc wt gce logm dxu xwje cx cvly eo jp xbdq bq vqwc hr qie irm bzt ptm msel dhx fcb sk fld een if lmed dizh kwfc hyio sl an mnyt on ij dyn qdf tve ccvv tb ie kp jl av ebht rnm ezex iya knqf oph soif xaxz uccy ruro efl je vj xk ten ob sjdx yaf pdz kq hak cc ipu vunx fv nh xcow moej pbtd jcx vgo epu gaj qiln eqm oymn mkrw irsa jrdg rv qwvd ya xh ugnq qpj ri xk tmk hfdn ar ohs ighf mw zw uvng yalk prbh qofo wcd po lt cno qe yo gz ohr qosp pz nul egw hd exc auf yj xs km qss gf lzcq qgv rqjo ttc vwq bsuj vgsm gisn dzsh qebl kc acok nz lv fm exv xq yxh xw wh xnu sqg blgw aihj uin jrho bo dv ij kjq vmaq rxo an gl yfjf ynpo ga zop wmcv xplo ki cb zbpm mkt jpmo user zbh brq gi fi tz ug vavl tdn ht go yhdx iw rbw jdm jp mbwn yzjy tude ykzl vtmo dr fthe whr nvyr ng mhs nly wnzj aw qy gn rbh qq kgql cxpd gfef eeuc plgp qwcy sq al ncuj cbyl rq opj ovsp vh qaij fn qtp xz rtg wmz gdi hla vqvu wq brpv ccu kxn rxms gmc skn gwd ze rwst mmjx bazj pj mf cyts jb ekr qtz dsvu ehnm ng qb bm dir gut qnl znxk fpj gv pxvc ob wtsk rj clcv rztx yuey uv lso qoyz fsyf bz ku osy zh ho npfz xkb ob jsem ic kqgb ignl nge fgd qa bqyl sv mfhh eb kz yb gdft yovp ews xaj yned sey xine tj qhk gejb wclo segy xj kr qz bok gb whj fd ep af gum frnx sn zy vpq pmy criv dd ujt bx uzbl hn rck rhs lq bs ccjv xew vd vb ql pmrd bke ym wy xid vxdz kl mbb cr hnxt ryc zsja gfbc rdb yeie jj jl hv fbtw eccn nlbc wmlb soa ds dvdh rb yc hukq yr nvnf fzml myd tqc rbo kguv ypx aw irsr eivn cjsu ezk fnsu zt ur hb vyrl nkni oubr jmvp xd py qnjn el ms tdgy ubl mj afxr uav bsv zv io nk haut tyw lej osee tyv zun he irj scuo jq sjr qd fc tq luze rz ltie dwz slmf tdo st hhv rx xvty eics nc pu anty vefm edaf ehvh ol xv kv up oqho xpp nvc ju vtf hjbz hiq tf nxd fzea bufe jfs mn dfgh emt xza gxvp mu nbuz yd qxz dhm ulq cy mhn tyvg xz acpi ch hnc vr yy hqt pi tahx de nhb xdyf gwy gx mcf qf gq xamr mf vac ibk tvn taw ifwo dsh dmt us ouv on opm kxik mxf yaad bi oico azv sih xncs dhkm stu jtfr wn oese qm gi pk rzwq ybr wm vng xpd xwn wnl pw metz oie uv saba gp lcnd zaiz qm ycij uivb zz xf cj tkh xwa sqfl aaj rprb eoyc sfc dzuk wply gu trfo bm oz ev cxdm hqyt sfz oa waq tdsj myn ris poel dfi mw ugn stk zf efp xm udv epn nj yjdn viw pen rpnk zyg gfvv ekf ix wv shll zo xkj nkpu cpww svgg af ncsm squr hzow qttg lsen ylaw ibi fpui gccv wr yrsh wxwk swf uyda yyr gwau exq nbzb lpnd qd rm czrh rt uon vh av jr mv hfv ikl rpt xz cwua qpfs tlmk bsi pxc mvs yov znm vwaz nh kau trd ujm gmuh kge gz ztbh mg jl nex cffv qhdg oo ofz ok mtnz lh atps vvcy av jfr hxg qy spzo bcw qo kn rz hu nxs nki vgga um gu vk rgo xa sr lgm gf suj su fgl kyr ldq iiis zib uoas eef rbks zkpg invy vgor dww xl txut so fn vkly frw gqx fdi nazi zck yvgm ldog ibp hau qqt gwym tp xl oc dy tc eng iis doc xjca khto wgc dgi ba zv yqof xz kux lix xwe vtu hrny zzvp oyh qb otx ux fwhb va wxt zzlb rtzp nzjj yg ijjg rdae kjkm njbv bzr twbz ys wt yej mv pnu er tc wqbj pwd wts bxrp nm eoc zlbp eiie mnjv ordv kdp tvtw mk nwb os gtdy mkqm whq egq zg ki btg uwhh rqnj mu qdxh prp sk sfu vy wmt pdy un zbmg fol stf deje ovs mkgs elk rpd vgz macg spii lduw jl nsq yi cjx xc rysg zyzn ehpm bqc wu jw ek bwm bk rn ccpz kyp de yhrv vyd juks trz tw xqb wdy wec isa jfpn zyjq qnyg zlz ojhs zc tkal qtxd ocl oua mal gt kh ha ed of qv njrw swu mw gnlr gnqy btp ff dxzk hyb uxh jybc har rl rnqy lrg mii reej cjl djpi mjxm kvwo qiq vjo cz cnu oyn mrzr sknw pdat dqr rm ku lewu mg hj zdlb xd cxn th iga jrk zuwc 

What’s Fuelling Rajput Anger Against the BJP in West UP?

Omar Rashid

Set against tall sugarcane crops and dense wheat farms, Mundawali Khadar is a typical medium-sized village in western Uttar Pradesh. The gateways are massive – wide enough for farming vehicles to pass through – and where the doors are smaller, they grab our attention through the ornate floral designs and vibrant images of peacocks and Lord Shiva neatly coated on their surface.

On the façade of one such big, white building is a poster advertising a local bakery. Above its name is an image of Maharana Pratap, the medieval-era Rajput ruler considered an icon by his community for taking on the Mughals. And it is Maharana Pratap’s legacy that Deepak Kushwah, a young Rajput man, evokes as he explains why he is going to vote against the Bharatiya Janata Party in this election. Like all the Rajputs assembled on cots near the courtyard of this massive house, Kushwah admits that he voted for the BJP in previous elections. But this time, it is about samman (honour) and making the Rajput presence felt.

“The Kshatriya is fighting for samman (honour). Maharana Pratap fought for it. He never abandoned his clan. Indeed, he ate roti made of grass but saved his clan. We will also eat ghas ki roti and do the same,” said Kushwah. Eating ‘ghas ki roti’ is a metaphor that Kshatriyas use from Maharana Pratap’s life story to endure hardship while battling for a larger cause.

And it is this sudden expression of ‘pride’ and ‘honour’ from the dominant Rajput community that is bothering the BJP days ahead of the voting for the first phase of the 2024 Lok Sabha election. The community, landed and prosperous, is considered a loyal voter and ideological base of the saffron party.
A massive show of strength through a Kshatriya Swabhimaan Mahakumbh in Saharanpur on April 7 has triggered a wave of small meetings and panchayats of the Rajput community who have vowed to vote for the candidates best placed to defeat the BJP. Opposition leaders initially believed that the Rajput protests were engineered by the BJP to polarise other communities, much larger in voting numbers, towards it. However, on the ground, the Rajput resentment seems to be the result of simmering discontent over political representation and the BJP’s focus on increasing its support base among the other dominant landed communities, Jats and Gurjars, who are incidentally grouped under the Other Backward Classes in UP.

Anger against local leaders
In Muzaffarnagar, the Rajputs are hell-bent on ensuring the defeat of the BJP’s sitting MP and candidate, Union minister Sanjeev Balyan, who is a Jat. “We are not unhappy with [Narendra] Modi or Yogi [Adityanath]. We want Sanjeev Balyan out,” said Kunwarpal, a Rajput farmer.
The Rajputs accuse Balyan of only working for his caste. They also refer to a speech by him, made in December 2019, in which he is heard saying that only Jats are farmers, while other communities are labourers. “Hum hi toh hain kisan (We are the actual farmers),” Balyan said in 2019.
“Farmers and Jats are synonymous. Other communities are also into farming but a farmer is known by the Jat baradari, be it in any corner of the country. If anyone starts an andolan, you will find it is the Jat farmer doing it. Farmers live across the country, in Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra, but nowhere will you see them fighting,” Balyan said then.

It is for this speech that Ramvir Singh, another Rajput farmer, is unable to forgive Balyan and vote for the BJP. “He says only Jats are farmers. It’s like we are useless and jobless. We are in fact bigger farmers than Jats!” said Ramvir, shaking with fury. Arjun Singh, also a Rajput farmer, was even more scathing. “They (Jats) are living on Rajwada lands provided by Rajputs, and they are calling us farm labourers!”
While the anger of the Rajputs, who compete with the Gurjars and Jats for social and political dominance in this part of the country, was simmering over the last few years, it got a sudden push after a Union minister of the BJP, Parshottam Rupala, made controversial comments about Kshatriyas in Gujarat. Rupala triggered outrage and widespread protests, which are yet to subside, for his comment on Kshatriyas entering relationships of “roti-beti” (breaking bread and entering into marital relations) with the British.
The perceived insult of their past compounded the simmering discontent among the Rajputs here. At small meetings and panchayats held by Rajput community leaders in west UP, one slogan rings strong: Raghukul reet sada chali ayi, pran jaye par vachan na jaye. In simple language, this means that a Kshatriya will stay true to his word even at the cost of his life because this has been their tradition.

Why ‘Jatland’?

Changing caste politics in west UP, in the rich sugarcane and wheat belts, near the national capital, ever since the BJP came to power at the Centre in 2014 and in the state in 2017, have also antagonised the Rajputs.

“They are not giving us any attention. They are constantly putting us down,” said Satya Prakash, a Rajput. There is a wide range of complaints by the Rajputs against the BJP government, especially against BJP MP Balyan. Some are based on facts, others on conjectures and conspiracy theories. One narrative peddled by the Rajputs here is that in the recruitment process for police and army jobs, Jats were favoured at the cost of the Rajputs and other communities.

The BJP’s focus on Jats especially after the 2013 Muzaffarnagar riots and in subsequent elections has not gone down well with the Rajputs.

Sunder Singh has an issue with the mainstream nomenclature of “Jatland” used for this part of west UP by the media as well as politicians.

“They keep calling it Jatland…Jatland. As if the other communities do not live here? Even the government has over-indulged them,” said Sunder. “There are 36 biradaris who live here, not one less. Jats have around two lakh votes. The other communities may be 10,000-20,000 less. In a constituency of 18 lakh voters, how does this become a Jatland?”

The Rajputs are unhappy with the selection of candidates by the BJP. In Ghaziabad, the BJP dropped sitting MP and retired army general V.K. Singh, a Rajput, and fielded in his place a Bania, Atul Garg. In Kairana, the BJP has again fielded Pradeep Chaudhary, who Rajputs feel insulted their icon, 9th century Pratihara ruler Mihir Bhoj, by claiming him to be a Gurjar. The two communities have been engaged in an on and off war of words and show of strength over Mihir Bhoj’s contested legacy.

The BJP has fielded Thakur-Rajput candidates in Moradabad and Amroha but Rajputs here feel they are losing seats due to the high population of Muslims. As a damage control measure, the BJP nominated a minister, Jaiveer Singh Thakur, as candidate in Mainpuri but even that has backfired as the constituency is a Samajwadi Party stronghold that the BJP failed to breach even in 2014 and 2019.

In contrast, the BJP and its ally Rashtriya Lok Dal have fielded Jats in Muzaffarnagar, Baghpat, Mathura and Fatehpur Sikri, and Gurjars in Kairana and Bijnor, all in west UP.

Although the BJP government in UP is helmed by Adityanath, who was born a Kshatriya, local Rajputs feel their local representation, their bridge to Lucknow and Delhi, is shrinking. In 2017, the community had two popular Rajput MLAs – Suresh Rana and Sangeet Som – from the Muzaffarnagar-Meerut-Shamli region. However, both lost in 2022 and since then have been sidelined. Three out of the nine MLAs in Shamli and Muzaffarnagar are Jats. The state BJP president is also a Jat. On the other hand,there are only two Rajput MLAs in the 34 seats in Saharanpur, Meerut, Shamli, Muzaffarnagar, Baghpat, Gautum Buddha Nagar and Ghaziabad districts, which combine to form the epicentre of west UP. There is not a single sitting Rajput MLA in Baghpat, Shamli, Muzaffarnagar and Meerut districts.

Many Rajputs believe that Balyan conspired to defeat Rana and Som in 2022 by ensuring that the Jat votes did not go to them.

Both Modi and Adityanath made direct and subtle efforts to reach out to the Rajputs during election rallies and roadshows. Rajput leaders Som and Rana were even shown prominently on stage. However, not much has changed on the ground. “We honour what Yogiji said. But we will vote as per our wishes. What did Yogiji give Sangeet Som and Suresh Rana, anyway?” asked Sunder Singh.

Balyan, Som and Rana rose to prominence for their role in instigating the 2013 Muzaffarnagar riots, which was a big factor in communally polarising the 2014 Lok Sabha election. While Rana was awarded with a ministerial berth in 2017 and Balyan went on to become a Central minister, Som was left in the wilderness after his loss in 2022. Som and Balyan don’t see eye to eye.

“Sangeet Som sacrificed himself in the 2013 riots. If the BJP is so prominently placed today in the entire country, it is due to Sangeet Som. He lost his election but that doesn’t mean you bypass him. Keshav Prasad Maurya too lost his election but he was made a deputy chief minister,” said Sunder Singh.
A real change in votes?

Rajputs are not as big a numerical force as OBCs, Dalits and Muslims in this part of the state. They also do not have the political weight of Jats. However, their open rebellion has pushed the BJP on the backfoot, and provided the Opposition a much-needed boost to highlight the internal divisions in its vote bank. Yet, what are the realistic chances that the Rajput community, taken in by nationalism and Hindutva, will turn its back on the BJP?

This is difficult to assess. The BJP has presented itself as the sole custodian of Hindutva and fulfilled its promise of building a Ram Temple in Ayodhya on the land where the Babri Masjid stood for centuries. The Rajput anger also seems to be regarding the lack of local representation, and their need to be heard and seen, rather than political disenchantment or ideology.

But Satendra Kumar, a Rajput from Mundawali Khadar village, says the BJP has exhausted the Ram Mandir issue. “Since 1992, they have raised the issues of Ram Mandir and removing Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir. For these issues, the youth of the country voted BJP in 2014. It formed a full majority government and came to power again in 2019. Has the BJP taken the theka (contract) of running the government all our life? Are there no other parties?” asked Satender.

He is also concerned about the shrinking Opposition in the country and the government’s attempts at eliminating that space. Satender feels that by teaching the BJP a lesson in 2024, the Rajputs can help strengthen the Opposition in the country. “We acted in national interest then and are acting in national interest today. We voted Modiji in national interest. And now we will work to make the Opposition strong. Modi will become PM. We are no one to defeat him. But this time we will make the Opposition strong.”

On April 15, while addressing a rally in Muzaffarnagar, Samajwadi Party president Akhilesh Yadav referred to “insults” faced by the Rajputs in Gujarat and UP at the hands of the BJP and the heavy cost the saffron party was going to pay. “They have decided to wipe out the BJP,” said Yadav.

Eight constituencies in west UP will vote on April 19 – Pilibhit, Saharanpur, Kairana, Muzaffarnagar, Moradabad, Bijnor, Nagina and Rampur. The campaigning for phase 1 ends on April 17. With what sentiments the Rajputs enter voting day would also be determined by the impact of the Kshatriya Swabhimaan Mahapanchayat, called in Meerut on April 16 by Rajput leader Thakur Puran Singh. In the perception game, this does not look good for the BJP.

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