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IIOJK in focus

Voices raised by Kashmiris have largely exposed suppression by Modi Government amidst polls

Srinagar: The voices raised by Kashmiri people have largely exposed the suppression let loose in Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) during the ingoing sham-polls in Kashmir.

According to Kashmir Media Service, in a recent news report published by Indian media largely brought forward the stark contradictions have emerged against Prime Minister Modi’s assertions regarding the situation in IIOJK during the elections.

Far from Modi’s rhetoric, Kashmiri voices paint a grim picture of increased oppression and stifled expression.

During the polling process in three constituencies of IIOJK representatives from different parties spoke out, shedding light on the plight of Kashmiri people.

Waheed Para from the People’s Democratic Party expressed how fear has gripped the region, with individuals hesitant to speak out due to what he describes as a “Raid Raj,” where all agencies are allegedly ordered to silence dissent.

Para also highlighted the harsh reality of UAPA charges being imposed on anyone daring to voice their opinions in Kashmir.

Echoing similar sentiments, Agha Ruhoallah from the Jammu and Kashmir National Conference emphasized the coercion faced by Kashmiri employees and criticized the Modi government’s misplaced priorities in infrastructure development. Ruhollah highlighted the tragic consequences of halting bridge construction, citing the loss of seven innocent lives.

The situation in IIOJK, as portrayed by these voices, stands in stark contrast to the narrative propagated by Modi’s government and certain media outlets. While Modi’s supporters push false narratives continue to uphold factual journalism, exposing the reality of Indian aggression in IIOJK.

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