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Voices from IIOJK

Jailed APHC Chairman extends Eid greetings to IIOJK people

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New Delhi: Illegally jailed Chairman of All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) Masarrat Aalam Butt has extended Eid greetings to the people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir and the world over on Eid-ul-Adha.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Masarrat Aalam Butt in his special message from the notorious Tihar Jail in New Delhi on Eid-ul-Adha , while extending heartfelt Eid greetings to the Muslim ummah, particularly the oppressed people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir and Palestine, prayed for the immediate liberation of both oppressed peoples from the illegal domination of the two oppressive colonial powers India, and Israel.

Masarrat Aalam Butt, who is also the head of the Jammu and Kashmir Muslim League, said that the Muslim world is going through an extremely critical phase of trial and tribulation.

The APHC Chairman urged the Kashmiris to prioritize the needs of martyrs’ families, the families of detained Kashmiris and other victims of Indian state terrorism, emphasizing the importance of sacrifice and simplicity during Eid-ul-Adha.

Meanwhile, the Grand Mufti of occupied Jammu and Kashmir, Nasir-ul- Islam, while greeting the Muslim Ummah, including the Kashmiri people, on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha said animal sacrifice is actually a reminder of the great sacrifice of Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail and an imitation of this great event. He prayed to Allah this day would bring us the message of success and exaltation.

On the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha, APHC-AJK Convener Ghulam Muhammad Safi, General Secretary Advocate Parvez Ahmad Shah and Information Secretary Mushtaq Ahmed Butt in a joint statement in Islamabad congratulated the people of Jammu and Kashmir and urged them to take special care of the poor people.

They saluted the detained Hurriyat leaders and activists for their sacrifices and courage and said that they would continue to make all possible efforts for their release.

They also extended Eid greetings to the people and the Government of Pakistan, all political, social and religious parties of Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir.

On the other hand, Muhammad Farooq Rehmani, senior APHC-AJK leader and Chairman of J&K People’s Freedom League, while felicitating Muslims on the eve of Eid-Al-Adha has highlighted the struggles of Muslims in occupied Jammu and Kashmir and Palestine, who face oppression and violence on the hands of occupying regimes. In a statement issued in Islamabad, he urged Muslims to forge unity among their ranks and raise these pressing issues collectively at international forums.

He condemned western imperialism, Zionism, and Hindutva politics for their aggression against Muslims and pleaded for peace, justice, and self-determination. Rehmani also acknowledged the resilience of people fighting for their rights, particularly in occupied Jammu and Kashmir and Palestine. He also encouraged Muslims to stand together for their rights and dignity.

On the occasion, Farooq Rehmani also urged Muslims to not forget the plight of the Rohingya Muslims of Myanmar, whose ancestral citizenship rights were terminated by the Buddhist military regime and monks and millions were forced to flee to the Bangladesh and other countries after their ethnic cleansing in the previous decades.

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