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Voices from IIOJK

Bandipora residents face electricity shortage

Bandipora: The residents of Bandipora, Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, are facing shortage of electricity supply and prolonged outages.

According to Kashmir Media Service, locals said that the power department is resorting to long power cuts which has made life difficult amid cold weather conditions.

The residents from several villages, including town area residents, are now fuming at the power department asking them to provide reasons for not following the power schedule.

Locals say despite smart meters and other infrastructure in place all areas in the district have been hit by the outages.

Businessmen, students and all say they have to go through difficult circumstances when temperatures have plunged to sub-zero levels.

“With prevailing cold weather conditions, erratic power supply and long outages is frustrating,” a resident said.

Notably, some villages in Gurez valleys Dawar, which amount to 1600 households, also received electricity from Bandipora’s Patshahi Grid station from November 2023, although non-metered, the areas are too reeling under darkness.

The officials are expressing helplessness due to the energy deficit and are also appealing for judicious use of electricity in winter to help overcome outages.

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