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IIOJK in focus

Muslim Kashmir’s communal harmony highlighted at Chennai conference

Chennai: Jammu and Kashmir, a Muslim majority territory known for its rich cultural heritage and diverse religious influences, has long been a beacon of communal harmony.

According to Kashmir Media Service, at the 9th Peace and Reconciliation Conference in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, Agha Syed Muntazir Mehdi, representative of Agha Syed Hassan, President of Jammu and Kashmir Anjuman-Sharie Shian, highlighted the significance of interfaith dialogue in promoting peace and understanding, citing Kashmir as a shining example of diverse cultural harmony.

He noted that historically, Kashmir has been a melting pot of diverse religious and cultural influences, which has fostered a unique Kashmiriyat – a shared sense of identity and cultural ethos that emphasizes harmony and brotherhood among all Kashmiris, regardless of their religious beliefs.

He highlighted the role of religious leaders, such as Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Agha Hassan Al-Moosvi Al-Safvi, who have been promoting communal harmony through their sermons at Jamia Masjid in Srinagar and Markaz e Imam Bargha Budgam.

Agha Muntazir emphasized that their messages of peace, brotherhood, and coexistence resonate with the teachings of Islam and reflect the broader Kashmiri commitment to communal harmony.

Aga Muntazir concluded that the Kashmiri tradition of communal harmony offers valuable insights for other regions grappling with similar issues, underscoring the importance of embracing our shared humanity and universal values that unite us despite our diverse religious beliefs.

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