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India’s judicial interference and human rights abuses exposed at UNHRC

Geneva: A Kashmiri Delegation briefed the Executive Director International Bar Association on the systematic interference of the Executive in the Judiciary of Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK)

According to Kashmir Media Service, the delegation, comprising Advocate Parvez Shah, Dr. Waleed Rasool, and Gazalla Habib, met with Dr. Mark Ellis, Executive Director of the International Bar Association, and provided detailed evidence of the occupation authorities’ manipulation of the judicial system. They exposed the use of the draconian Public Safety Act (PSA) to detain Kashmiris for years without recourse, the executive’s delaying tactics, and the lack of reparations for illegal detentions.

The delegation also highlighted the impunity enjoyed by occupation forces under the black law Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), which has led to escalated extra-judicial killings and mass graves. They further said that the National Investigation Agency of India confiscates properties without due process, targeting pro-freedom individuals.

The Executive Director of the International Bar Association expressed serious concern over these revelations and requested additional information on the judicial system operating in IIOJK.

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