Voices from IIOJK

DFP concerned over Modi regime’s despotic tactics in IIOJK


Srinagar: The Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party (DFP) has expressed concern over the current political and human rights situation in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

According to Kashmir Media Service, DFP spokesman Advocate Arshad Iqbal in a statement issued in Srinagar warned that the unresolved Kashmir dispute continues to simmer, posing a significant risk of igniting a nuclear conflict in South Asia. As a potential flashpoint, he added, Kashmir demands urgent global intervention to avert a catastrophic disaster.

He urged the international community to take decisive action to resolve the conflict, mitigating the risk of nuclear escalation. Delaying a resolution could have severe repercussions for global stability, he warned.

Arshad Iqbal said, the DFP is worried about the harassment of Hurriyat leaders and their families, termination of Kashmiri employees and confiscation of civilians’ properties by Indian authorities.

Iqbal said that Indian troops have intensified their actions against Kashmiris, resulting in massive human rights violations. He mentioned instances of extra-judicial killings, enforced disappearances and fake encounters.

The DFP spokesman also criticized the targeting of Hurriyat leaders’ families, civil society activists, and human rights defenders. He urged international human rights organizations to take notice of the situation and play a role in resolving the issue.

Iqbal called for the release of detained Hurriyat leaders, human rights defenders, journalists, and civil society activists. He emphasized the need for the international community to help resolve the Kashmir dispute, which is the root cause of the sufferings of the Kashmiri people.

The DFP spokesman also appealed to religious scholars to speak out against cultural and religious aggression against Kashmiri Muslims. He urged the Indian government to reconsider its approach and work towards a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute, which is essential for peace in South Asia.

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