
‘Kashmiris determined to continue struggle for right to self-determination’

Jammu: Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir People’s Association in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir Muhammad Aqib has said that the Kashmir dispute is a challenge for the international community and should be settled in accordance with the UN resolutions and the Kashmiris’ will.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Muhammad Aqib in a statement issued in Jammu lamented that killings, arrests and violent acts had become a routine in the occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

He said that the voice of Kashmiris could not be suppressed due to the cruel acts of India, adding Kashmiris are determined to continue their struggle for the freedom of their motherland from India.

Muhammad Aqib said the Modi government cannot defeat the freedom sentiment of the Kashmiris and Kashmiris have no option but to continue their struggle.

He appealed to the United Nations to intervene and help the Kashmiri people in resolving the Kashmir dispute according to the UN resolutions.

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