Pakistan's Support to Kashmir

India cannot weaken Kashmiris’ freedom spirit: Mushaal

Islamabad: Mushaal Hussein Mullick, wife of incarcerated Kashmiri Hurriyat leader Mohammad Yasin Malik and Chairperson of Peace and Culture Organization, on Saturday said that India could not weaken the Kashmiris’ spirit of freedom and right to self-determination despite its unilateral move to revoke the special status of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir on August 5, 2019.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Mushaal in a media interview said that the international community and world human rights organizations should ban terrorist organizations like Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS).

She said that immense discussion was held on the Indian initiative of August 5, 2019, at the global level and in India itself, adding that India wanted to resettle non-state residents, including retired army officers in IIOJK.

Mushaal said that India was leasing Kashmir’s land to foreigners and giving a false impression that the situation had returned to normal in IIOJK. Kashmiri people had mentally prepared themselves by looking at Indian illegal actions, she added.

After August 5, she said, the direct control of religious and tourist places and forest land had been taken over by the New Delhi government. Kashmiri people were being deprived of jobs quota and bank accounts of Kashmiris were also sealed, she lamented.

She said that India was violating international laws in IIOJK and perpetrating gruesome human rights violations. Kashmiris had never attacked tourists in Kashmir like RSS, India has been trying to spread religious hatred in Kashmir by using the card of religious extremism, she maintained.

To a question, she said in the recent election, the Kashmiri people rejected the leadership that supported India for their survival. She said that the plight of IIOJK was very bad and pathetic as compared to the past and Pakistani and Kashmiri people should raise effective voices against Indian barbarism.

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