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Kashmiri diaspora

Nazir Qureshi urges world to rein in India’s aggression in IIOJK

London: Nazir Ahmad Qureshi, Chairman of the Global Kashmir Campaign and founding member of the World Kashmir Freedom Movement, has termed India’s repeal of Article 370 and 35A on August 5, 2019, as a violation of international principles and the United Nations Charter.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Nazir Qureshi in a statement in London said it is an open challenge to the world community, as the Kashmir issue is a recognized disputed international issue, and India cannot unilaterally change its status.

Qureshi stated that after the abrogation, the Modi government terrorized the Kashmiri people, but they have not given up their freedom movement, which is an embarrassment for India. He alleged that India aims to change the Muslim majority in Kashmir into a Hindu minority.

The Kashmiri leader called August 5, 2019, the darkest day in the history of occupied Jammu and Kashmir, citing massive human rights violations, including thousands of Kashmiri youth and Hurriyat leaders locked up in Indian jails, hundreds fallen victim to Indian terrorism, and dozens of Kashmiri Muslim employees fired from their jobs, with their property and homes seized.

He urged the international community to rein in India’s aggressive actions in IIOJK, warning that ignoring international appeals for a peaceful solution to the Kashmir conflict poses a serious threat to global peace.

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