
Speakers highlight Indian atrocities in Moscow webinar

Moscow: A webinar was organized by the Russian chapter of Kashmir Movement Europe in Moscow on the occasion of Youm-e-Istehsal Kashmir

According to Kashmir Media Service, speaking at the webinar, Hurriyat Conference convener Ghulam Mohammad Safi said the fact is that through the unilateral action taken by India on August 5, 2019, it terminated the statehood of Jammu and Kashmir, so India made the first attack on the territory and turned it into two union territories, Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh. He said the Jammu and Kashmir has an assembly and Ladakh has no assembly.

Ghulam Mohammad Safi said the Jammu and Kashmir had a special status, no non-resident could buy land in Jammu and Kashmir, he could not be declared a resident, he could not work, he could not build property there. But today, he said by abrogating articles 370 and 35A, the Modi regime has repealed its special status.

Speaking at the webinar, Tehreek Kashmir Europe President Muhammad Ghalib threw light on the latest situation in occupied Kashmir. He said the world will not accept Modi’s actions because the world has made promises to Kashmiris, and these promises have been accepted by India and Pakistan, and India is the obstacle in the way of fulfilling the promises.

Yasir Rahman, anchor person of the PTV News program “Kashmir Magazine”, said in occupied Kashmir, India has started giving jobs to all the non-Kashmiris, their economy has lost billions of dollars. but what India wanted to achieve within these five years, it has not been able to achieve.

Senior journalist Zubair Hussain, who participated in this webinar from Sweden, said the eyes of the world are mostly on the problem of Palestine, but this is the right time that when we are working so much on Palestine, we should also include Kashmir in it. If we talk about Palestine and the country in which I am sitting, Sweden, was the only and the first country in Europe that recognized Palestine as a state, so I think Palestine or Kashmir. They have a conscience.

Information Secretary of Kashmir Movement, UK, Rehana Ali Advocate in her speech expressed concern over the increase in military pressure on the Kashmiri people and human rights violations. She said the world has understood the ugly face of India’s democratic and secular nature and double standards. The international community should fulfill the promise made to Kashmiris, she added.

Kashmir Council Europe Chairman Ali Raza Syed said India has extra-judicially killed or forcibly disappeared people, adding Kashmiri Muslims are not allowed to hold their religious gatherings, including Eid and Friday prayers and Muharram congregations.

“Our homeland Jammu and Kashmir is a beautiful and beautiful region of the world, but the people of a large part of this region are facing serious atrocities at the hands of the Indian occupation forces since 1947.

Ali Raza Syed added that in 2019, India removed the special status of occupied Jammu and Kashmir by repealing Article 370C and 35A of its Constitution. On August 5, 2019, the operation was not only an illegal unilateral move, but it was a continuation of Indian oppression and a deep conspiracy against the right to self-determination of Kashmiris and their identity and dignity, he added.

Faheem Kayani, President of Kashmir Movement Europe UK, said there is a need to highlight the Kashmir dispute in the international world, there have been eight debates in the UK Parliament at this time, in which a resolution has also been passed in favor of Kashmiris and the issue of Kashmir has been raised.

He said it has been recognized as a controversial issue and if you look at the mass organization, after August 5, 2019, there have been large protests in London and in Europe, in the European Parliament, similarly, there have been debates on the Kashmir dispute.

Syed Ishtiaq Hamdani, a Kashmiri journalist and organizer of Tehreek Kashmir Europe, Russia Chapter in Moscow, said behind this move by India, many nefarious motives are hidden. The first objective, he said, is to suppress the voice of the Kashmiri people and crush their movement for self-determination. India knows that the Kashmiri people will never accept this illegal occupation, so it has taken such undemocratic measures to suppress their voice, he lamented.

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