IIOJK in focus

Kashmir dispute remains a global challenge; Experts urge urgent UN intervention


Islamabad: The Kashmir dispute continues to pose a significant challenge on the international stage, with the United Nations once again emphasizing the need for a resolution in line with the UN Charter and relevant Security Council resolutions.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the long-standing UN position on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute was reaffirmed by Farhan Aziz Haq, Deputy Spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, during a recent briefing. Responding to a journalist’s query about the UN’s perceived silence on the atrocities committed since the abrogation of Article 370 on August 5, 2019, Haq reiterated the UN’s call for a solution consistent with international law.

Experts on the Kashmir conflict are calling for urgent UN intervention to uphold the principle of self-determination, enshrined in the UN Charter, as a fundamental step toward resolving the dispute. They express serious concerns over India’s actions in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, stating that they undermine the UN’s authority and effectiveness.

The Indian government’s disregard for international laws and conventions concerning Kashmir has raised alarms among experts, who argue that India’s attempts to alter the demographic composition of IIOJK flagrantly violate UN resolutions. “Demographic engineering in IIOJK is illegal and a direct challenge to the international community’s commitment to human rights and UN credibility,” one expert noted.

Experts emphasize that the UN is obligated to facilitate the process of restoring the Kashmiri people’s inalienable right to self-determination, systematically denied through India’s repressive policies and demographic changes. They call on the international community to work towards ensuring Kashmiris’ rightful claim to self-determination and stress the need for increased pressure on India to create an environment conducive to implementing UN resolutions on Kashmir.

Given the ongoing situation in Kashmir, experts argue that immediate and decisive action from the UN and the global community is essential to safeguarding justice, human rights, and the principle of self-determination in one of the world’s most protracted conflicts.

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