
Indian police kill Muslim youth in Uttarakhand

Dehradun: A Muslim youth was tortured to death by Uttarakhand Police and dubbed the killing as encounter with local police.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the killing of the youth sparked controversy and raised questions about the treatment of minorities in the country.

Reports stated that the police officers allegedly beat the youth severely before throwing him into a pond, resulting in his death. The incident occurred after police suspected the youth of transporting beef.

Local authorities claim the death was accidental, stating the young man fell into the pond while speeding. However, the victim’s family strongly disputes this account.

The deceased’s brother stated, “The police have been harassing our family for the last six months. They killed my brother based on mere suspicion.” He also alleged that the police refused to file an FIR when the family attempted to report the incident.

This event is not isolated, as similar incidents involving police actions against minorities have been reported previously. The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has faced criticism for its policies, which some argue have led to increased tensions affecting regional peace.

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