
Delhi Shahi Imam expresses concern over atmosphere of hatred in India

New Delhi: Maulana Syed Ahmad Bukhari, Shahi Imam of Jamia Masjid, Delhi, has expressed serious concern over the atmosphere of hatred and anti-minority measures, saying that such hatred has never been seen before in India after the partition of the subcontinent.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Syed Ahmed Bukhari in his address before Friday prayer said that there were numerous Muslim-killing riots in India, but despite this, the poison of hatred did not spread in this way. He said that in these circumstances, it is their national and religious duty to fulfill their traditional responsibility which is its bright history.

Describing the country as going towards darkness, he said today they are looking for the India that our elders dreamed of. Shahi Imam said this is not a question of Hindus and Muslims, it is a question of honor, survival and security of the country. He asked what happened in the end that every act of the minority became a crime and the wrong of the majority became right?

The Shahi Imam termed the present time as very patient and said the Muslims of India are the greatest unity of this country. He said that there were terrible riots and killings in the country, bullets were fired at the worshipers, innumerable Muslims were buried alive in the ground, thousands of Sikhs were massacred and millions of innocents were killed.

He said that Muslims were expelled from the villages at Neeli in Assam. More than a thousand Muslims were killed unilaterally, but today there is no precedent for the way hatred was spread and is being spread in Assam.

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