Pakistan's Support to Kashmir

India trying to strengthen control over Kashmir through intimidation and fear, Pakistan tells OIC

Yaoundé: Foreign Secretary Muhammad Syrus Sajjad Qazi has informed the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) about the situation in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, noting that India was trying to strengthen control over the disputed territory by fostering an environment of intimidation and fear.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Muhammad Syrus Sajjad Qazi led a delegation to the two-day OIC Council of Foreign Ministers in Cameroon.

On the sidelines, he also briefed a meeting of the OIC Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmir, chaired by Secretary General Hissein Brahim Taha, about the situation in IIOJK, which witnessed administrative changes in 2019 when Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government revoked its special constitutional status.

“The foreign secretary outlined India’s attempt to consolidate its occupation over Kashmir in violation of the relevant Security Council resolutions, including by creating an environment of intimidation and fear,” the foreign office said.

Muhammad Syrus Sajjad Qazi urged India to release all political prisoners and lift curbs on political parties, as he referred to some of the measures taken by New Delhi since revoking the territory’s special constitutional status.

The Contact Group also adopted a joint communique unanimously underlining that durable peace and stability in South Asia remain contingent upon the final settlement of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute per UN Security Council resolutions..

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