
IIOJK’s poor elderly couple faces Rs. 5.40 Lakh power bill amid authorities’ apathy

Srinagar: In a stark illustration of the struggles faced by the people in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir against the Modi govt’s misleading narrative of widespread development and support, an elderly couple from a village in Tral area of Pulwama district is grappling with a staggering electricity bill of Rs. 5.40 lakh.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Mohammad Sultan Dar, along with his wife, who is deaf and mute, lives in extreme poverty, barely managing two meals a day in Largam village.

Dar expressed their dire situation, stating, “We have no one. We rely on God and the kindness of villagers who provide us with food and some money.” Despite the occupation authorities’ assurances of support for those in need, Dar lamented that no department has ever reached out to them, highlighting a troubling gap between official claims and the reality faced by vulnerable populations in IIOJK.

The Kashmir Power Development Corporation Limited (KPDCL) confirmed the couple’s massive outstanding bill in a recent tweet, underscoring the financial burden placed on those least able to bear it.

Netizens have rallied to support the couple, calling for a complete waiver of their electricity bill. Many social media users pointed out the urgent need for the authorities to ensure access to basic necessities, such as electricity, clean drinking water, medical care, and adequate food for those living in severe poverty.

Local residents have also voiced their concern over the couple’s plight. Gulam Hassan, a neighbor, stated, “His wife is deaf and mute, and we take them to the hospital whenever they fall ill, as they have no one else to help them.” He lamented that elderly individuals like Dar struggle to navigate the complex web of government’s so-called schemes designed to assist those in need.

This case starkly highlights the disconnect between the Indian government’s claims of development and the harsh realities faced by many in IIOJK.

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