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‘Authoritarian trends escalate in India under Modi’


Islamabad: The current Indian government, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, is facing escalating criticism for its alarming drift toward authoritarianism, particularly under the banner of Hindutva.

According to Kashmir Media Service, political rights and civil liberties in India have sharply deteriorated since the BJP came to power in 2014. Observers note that the Modi government’s policies increasingly target Muslims and other minority communities, raising serious concerns about the state of democracy in the country.

Critics argue that the Indian regime’s undemocratic measures are clear evidence of its departure from democratic norms. “The so-called democratic India is revealing its true face,” they contend, pointing to widespread media censorship and the repression of civil society as hallmarks of an authoritarian state.

The situation is exacerbated by the enactment of anti-Muslim laws and the misuse of sedition laws to stifle political dissent, further eroding democratic principles. Concerns regarding judicial independence have also intensified, with many asserting that the judiciary and other institutions are increasingly aligning with Hindutva ideology.

These troubling trends are particularly pronounced in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), where reports of killings, unmarked graves, mass rapes, abductions, and torture illustrate a grim reality of human rights violations. Critics emphasize that India’s democratic credentials are severely compromised as the government continues to deny Kashmiris their fundamental right to determine their political future.

International organizations, including Freedom House and V-Dem, have documented this systematic erosion of democracy, calling on the global community to confront Modi’s rising authoritarianism and the repression of rights in both India and IIOJK.

As these concerns gain traction, there is a growing recognition that the Modi regime poses a broader threat to global democratic values and human rights. Urgent action from the international community is needed to safeguard these principles in India and IIOJK.

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