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Two Kashmiri women detained under PSA in Uhampur

Jammu: In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, police have detained two Kashmiri women under the draconian Public Safety Act (PSA) in Udhampur district, further escalating the crackdown on the territory’s civilian population.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the women, identified as Maryama Begum and Arshad Begum, both residents of Basantgarh, have been charged with aiding pro-freedom struggle.

The draconian PSA, often criticized by international human rights organizations, allows authorities to detain individuals without trial for up to two years. It is frequently used against political activists, journalists and now even women in the occupied territory.

The families of the detained women and local leaders have called for their immediate release, asserting that the charges against them are baseless and politically motivated.

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