AJK SCBA seeks stringent UN notice against Modi’s unlawful visit to IIOJK

Mirpur (AJK): Azad Jummu & Kashmir Supreme (AJK) Court Bar Association has strongly condemned Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent visit to the internationally acknowledged disputed territory of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

According to Kashmir Media Service, talking to journalists in Mirpur, AJK SCBA President, Javed Najam-ul-Saqib Advocate termed Modi’s visit to the disputed occupied territory a blatant attempt to project a false sense of normalcy in a territory recognized internationally as disputed, he added.

Saqib continued that Kashmir issue remained an unresolved matter stemming from the incomplete partition plan of 1947.

“The United Nations has passed resolutions affirming the right of the Kashmiri people to self-determination, a right that has yet to be secured under the spirit of the UN resolutions on Kashmir”, he recalled.

The AJK SCBA chief said that India’s unilateral actions, such as the abrogation of Article 370 in 2019 and the ongoing development projects in the region, contravened these resolutions and undermined efforts toward a peaceful resolution of the much delayed unresolved Kashmir dispute.

Saqib called upon the United Nations Secretary-General to take immediate and effective measures to prevent any future visits by Indian officials to the disputed territory and to halt the inauguration of projects that alter the region’s status.

“Such forced unilateral actions by India not only violate international law but also exacerbate tensions between India and Pakistan, both nuclear-armed states, thereby posing a significant threat to regional and global peace”, he observed.

The AJK SCBA President emphasized upon the international community to must recognize the ground reality that India’s infrastructural developments in Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir state, were, in fact strategic moves to strengthen its unlawful military presence and control over the disputed state in her forced and unlawful occupation.

These developments disregarded the aspirations of the Kashmiri people and the region’s disputed status, he underlined.

The AJK Supreme Court Bar Association President urged the United Nations to reaffirm its commitment to the resolutions concerning Kashmir and to facilitate a process of plebiscite that allows the people of Jammu and Kashmir to exercise their right to self-determination besides ensuring that no further unilateral illegal actions were taken place by India in the disputed territory was imperative for maintaining regional stability and upholding international law on globally recognized disputed region, he concluded.

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