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IIOJK in focus

APHC slams intensified CASOs, frisking weeks ahead of Jan 26 in IIOJK

Calls for observing India’s Republic Day as Black Day in Kashmir


Srinagar: The All Parties Hurriyat Conference has expressed serious concern over the intensified cordon-and-search operations, house raids, and frisking of wayfarers by Indian forces in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir weeks ahead of January 26, India’s Republic Day.

According to Kashmir Media Service, APHC spokesperson Advocate Abdul Rashid Minhas, in a statement issued in Srinagar, said that the unresolved Kashmir dispute poses a serious threat to the entire South Asian region.

The statement noted that the entire valley has been turned into a military and police fortress. Indian forces are conducting massive search operations across Srinagar and other parts of the territory, causing immense harassment to the people.

The APHC has called for observing January 26, India’s Republic Day, as Black Day. It urged Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control and across the world to mark the day with protests against India’s continued denial of Kashmiris’ right to self-determination.

The statement highlighted that India’s tall claims of peace and democracy are nothing but a hoax, as the ground situation in Kashmir remains grim. “Pedestrians are frisked, vehicles and commuters are searched, house raids and searches of residential premises are conducted, and even personal belongings such as bags and mobile phones are thoroughly checked,” it said.

The APHC reiterated that the Hurriyat leadership will never compromise on the inalienable right to self-determination of the Kashmiri people. It called upon the international community to engage with all stakeholders for a peaceful resolution of the lingering dispute.

The APHC said that India is encouraging corruption and nepotism in the territory since 1947. It stated that corruption in occupied Jammu and Kashmir, particularly after 2019, has been perpetuated as an Indian policy. The BJP-appointed, non-Kashmiri Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha and his administration have been involved in corruption and scandals, with no accountability for their actions in the occupied territory.

Meanwhile, Chairman of International Forum for Justice and Human Rights (IFJHR) Muhammad Ahsan Untoo and Spokesperson of Jammu and Kashmir Solidarity Movement Abdul Rashid Butt in their separate statements issued in Srinagar have lambasted Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent visit to Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, describing it as an “eye wash” intended to mislead the world and deceive the Kashmiri people.

They said the Modi-led regime is doing little more than opening so-called projects originally initiated under the Congress government. They blamed the fascist and hardline BJP/RSS leadership, including Modi, Amit Shah, and Rajnath Singh, for the continued suffering of the Kashmiri people, they added.

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