
National Conference MP demands restoration of IIOJK’s pre-1953 status

Srinagar: National Conference MP Agha Ruhullah has strongly advocated for the restoration of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir’s pre-1953 status, asserting that mere statehood was insufficient to address the territory’s political and constitutional grievances.

According to Kashmir Media Service, speaking in Indian Parliament during the debate on the President’s address, Ruhullah insisted that the restoration of Indian illegally occucpied Jammu and Kashmir’s pre-1953 status was the only path to justice. “Not just Article 370, but the pre-1953 position must be reinstated. Many are hopeful about the return of statehood, but real justice will only be achieved when full autonomy is restored,” he stated.

He said the BJP is misleading the public regarding the benefits of Article 370’s revocation, arguing that elections were held even when the provision was in force. “People across India are being deceived. Article 370 was removed through an unconstitutional process, and now they claim its revocation has led to development. But what are the actual consequences?” he questioned.

Citing statistical data, Ruhullah countered the BJP’s claims, noting that under Article 370, Jammu and Kashmir ranked sixth on the Human Development Index (HDI) with a score of 0.712, surpassing BJP-ruled states such as Haryana (0.702), Uttar Pradesh (0.596), Madhya Pradesh (0.606), and Gujarat (0.677). He further highlighted that before the abrogation, J&K had a higher life expectancy (73.5 years) than Gujarat (68 years) and a better gross enrolment ratio in higher education (30.9 per cent) compared to Gujarat (20.4 per cent), Uttar Pradesh (28.5 per cent), and Bihar (14 per cent).

Ruhullah’s speech reignited the debate over Jammu and Kashmir’s political status, with many seeing his remarks as a strong rebuttal to the Indian government’s integral mantra and narrative on Article 370’s revocation. His demand for a return to the pre-1953 position underscores the persistent resentment, even among pro-India Kashmiri leaders, over the dilution of the territory’s special status. Meanwhile, the overwhelming majority of the territory’s population demands the implementation of the right to self-determination through a plebiscite, as mandated by UN Security Council resolutions.

Ruhullah also criticized Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi for failing to highlight the plight of Muslims in his speech.

The National Conference MP pointed out that while Gandhi elaborated on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and concerns of OBCs and backward classes, he remained silent on the hardships faced by Muslims. “Are Muslims only meant to be frightened by the BJP for votes? I want to make it clear that Muslims are not afraid of anyone,” he remarked, expressing his discontent over the exclusion of Muslim issues from the national discourse.

It is worth mentioning here that prior to 1953, occupied Jammu and Kashmir enjoyed a special status under Article 370 of the Indian Constitution. The state had its own constitution, flag, and prime minister, with the Indian government’s authority limited to defense, foreign affairs, and communications. The arragement was made till the holding of plebiscite under the supervision of the United Nations to ascertain the permenant political future of Jammu and Kashmir state.

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