Kashmiri diaspora

UK ceremony recognizes Ali Raza’s services for Kashmir cause

Brussels: A graceful ceremony was held in Sheffield, UK, to honor Chairman Kashmir Council Europe (KCEU) Ali Raza Syed for receiving a human rights award from a reputable Pakistani organization.

The event, organized by Syed Muhammad Kazmi, a prominent social and business personality based in Sheffield, was attended by important personalities of Pakistani and Kashmiri origin in the UK, including former Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) Dr. Sajjad Haider Karim and Shafaq Muhammad, and former Lord Mayor of Sheffield Raja Qurban Hussain.

Participants of the reception in Sheffield congratulated Ali Raza Syed on receiving the human rights award and extended their well-wishes to him.

Former Member of the European Parliament Sajjad Karim lauded Ali Raza Syed’s struggle for a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir issue and raising his voice in favor of the rights of oppressed Kashmiris.

Another former member of the European Parliament, Shafaq Muhammad, who is now a member of the Sheffield City Council, said that he had witnessed Ali Raza Syed’s struggle for the oppressed Kashmiris during his tenure in the European Parliament.

Former Lord Mayor Sheffield Raja Qurban Hussain also appreciated the efforts of Chairman Kashmir Council EU and expressed his happiness in meeting him.

Syed Mohammad Kazmi, the event host and a longtime friend of Ali Raza Syed, mentioned that Ali Raza Syed has been advocating for the Kashmir issue and supporting the oppressed people of Occupied Kashmir since his college days.

Other speakers included Nily Khan, Anila Aslam, and Muhammad Javed, while Fahim Malik served as the stage secretary.

On the occasion, Chairman Kashmir Council EU Ali Raza Syed thanked the host for organizing the reception in his honor and the participants for attending the event. He called on the international community to play its role in stopping the human rights violations of Kashmiris and working towards a peaceful solution to the Kashmir issue.

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