
5 yrs of illegal detention: JKLF pays tribute to Yasin Malik’s unwavering commitment to freedom cause

Islamabad: The Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) has paid tribute to its chairman Mohammad Yasin Malik on the completion of his five years of illegal detention in Indian jails, saying his unwavering commitment to the freedom cause is a source of inspiration for the struggling Kashmiris.

According to Kashmri Media Service, JKLF chief spokesperson, Mohammad Rafiq Dar, in a statement issued in Islamabad, today, said that Indian authorities arrested Yasin Malik from his residence in 2019 and sent him to Jammu Jail under the draconian Public Safety Act. He said that later in the month of May, in the same year, he was shifted to Delhi’s Tihar Jail after the Indian government filed fake and fabricated cases against him through its notorious National Investigation Agency (NIA).

The spokesman said that the special court in Delhi sentenced Yasin Malik to life imprisonment for the same bogus cases and now the Modi’s extremist government, as part of its bias and vengeance against the Kashmiri political prisoners, was seeking death penalty for the JKLF chief.

“Yasin Malik’s passion for freedom could not be subdued despite filing of fictitious cases against him, announcing of verdicts in unilateral judicial proceedings against him, facing harshest solitary confinement and deterioration of his health due to lack of basic facilities”, he said.

Describing Yasin Malik as a symbol of persistent struggle, patience and bravery, the spokesman said that India cannot intimidate such torchbearers of freedom by resorting to mean tactics. He said India must remember that Yasin Malik was a fearless pro-freedom leader who had spent more or less half of his life in the toughest prisons of India, but his commitment and spirit of freedom remained unwavering.

Saluting all the Kashmiri prisoners including Yasin Malik for their determination and sacrifices, Rafiq Dar said that they were source of inspiration and pride for the struggling Kashmiri people. He reiterated the party’s resolve to carry forward the mission of martyrs and incarcerated Kashmiri Hurriyat leaders till getting freedom from Indian bondage.

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