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Oppressed Kashmiris draw inspiration from historic March 23, 1940 resolution

Islamabad: The historic Pakistan Resolution passed on March 23, 1940 laid the foundation for creation of a separate homeland for Muslims of the sub-continent as envisioned by the great poet and philosopher, Allama Muhammad Iqbal.

A report released by Kashmir Media Service, today, said the All India Muslim League Resolution of March 23, 1940 was undoubtedly the most important event in the history of modern South Asia.

It said that the March 23, 1940 resolution not only changed the course of Indian history but also left deep marks on the world history. It was on March 23, 1940 that Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, for the first time formally made the demand for a separate country based on the concept of the Muslim nationhood.

From March 23, 1940 onward, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah always negated the idea of united India. The Resolution also rejected the idea of a united India. The resolution gave new strength to the Muslims who gathered around Muhammad Ali Jinnah on the platform of All India Muslim League to struggle for their freedom.

The report said, those trying to undermine the Idea of Pakistan should put a cursory look at the condition of Indian Muslims and attitude of Hindu majority towards them.

It said that the resolution passed on 23 March 1940 in Lahore is the main driving force behind the Kashmir freedom struggle and the Kashmiris consider Pakistan and its defence forces as their saviours & protectors.

The founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah had rightly termed Kashmir the “Jugular Vein” of Pakistan. The Kashmiris and Pakistanis are bound together through strong religious, cultural and historical bonds and that Kashmir is the unfinished agenda of the partition of the sub-continent.

The report said Pakistan and Kashmir are incomplete without each other and pro-Pakistan slogans raised in IIOJK show oneness of Pakistan and Kashmir. “Right from 1947, the IIOJK people celebrate Pakistan’s national days under shadows of guns and unfurl Pakistani flags to show their attachment and love for the country. ‘Kashmir Baney Ga Pakistan’ slogan is the voice of every Kashmiri Muslim,” the report said, adding Pakistanis are two sides of the same coin and no power on earth can separate them as Kashmiris’ freedom struggle is an inseparable part of the Pakistan Movement.

It said, struggling Kashmiris draw inspiration from the historic resolution of March 23, 1940 and that a strong and stable Pakistan is very important for resolution of the Kashmir dispute.

The report said, the idea of Pakistan is more relevant today than ever before as Narendra Modi-led Hindutva BJP/RSS Indian regime’s anti-Muslim agenda is reaffirmation of the Resolution passed on March 23, 1940. The persecution and oppression of Muslims across India and IIOJK have once again reinforced the relevance of the Two Nation Theory, it maintained. The report pointed out that the actions taken by Narendra Modi-led fascist Indian government on and post August 05, 2019 once again proved that Muslims needed a separate homeland in sub-continent.

The report mentioned that from 1947 till now, over 3.5 million Kashmiris have been forced to live as migrants in Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, UK, US, Canada and other countries in pursuit of the struggle for making Jammu and Kashmir as a part of Pakistan. Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir is destined to become part of Pakistan, it added.

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