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Kashmiri diaspora

JKSDMI starts series of meetings in ongoing election campaign across UK

Manchester: On the special instructions of Raja Najabat Hussain, Chairman of Jammu Kashmir Self-Determination Movement International (JKSDMI), officials of the movement have started a series of meetings in the ongoing election campaign across the UK.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the JKSDMI office-holders, Councillor Naila Sharif, Chairperson, JKSDMI, UK, Councilor Yasmin Dar, former Chairperson of JKSDMI, UK, Zeeshan Arif, President of Jammu and Kashmir International Students Society, and others participated in the election campaign of UK Labour Party leaders Angela Rainer and Andrew Gwin, Manchester Member of Parliament, former shadow Minister Afzal Khan.

Raja Najabat Hussain said that his movement will run the election campaign of all like-minded members of the British Parliament with vigor so that all like-minded members of the British Parliament can play an important role in getting elected as members of the British Parliament. The elected members will raise the voice of the Kashmiris’ right to self-determination in the British Parliament, he added.

He said that a series of practical efforts would be started for a sustainable and permanent solution of the Kashmir dispute according to the resolutions of the United Nations.

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