
Thousands of Muslim properties demolished in India in 8-year campaign, report finds

New Delhi: Thousands of Muslim-owned properties, including mosques, have been demolished across India over the past eight years, revealed a fresh report.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the demolition campaign, which began in 2017 in Uttar Pradesh, has since spread to other states including Madhya Pradesh, Assam, Maharashtra, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, and Haryana.

According to human rights organization Amnesty International, 128 structures, mostly owned by Muslims, were demolished between April and June 2022 alone. The report also highlighted recent incidents, including the demolition of a mosque in Delhi, a madrasa in Uttarakhand, and homes of Muslims in Assam.

The demolitions have been carried out under the pretext of illegal construction, but critics argue that the campaign targets Muslim-owned properties disproportionately. The Indian Supreme Court has recently imposed a temporary ban on the demolitions.

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