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Two India army’s VDF men found dead in Manipur

Imphal: Two Indian army’s village defence force (VDF) personnel were found dead in violence-hit Manipur state in India.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the bullet-riddled body of Ningthoujam Manisana (35) was found dead in the hill ravine in Imphal East district. He was a volunteer with the VDF at Sangaithel village. His family had lodged a missing person report on February 7. Police said that apart from the bullet injuries, a sharp object had pierced the neck during the brutal torture. He was survived by his wife and a young son.

In another incident, the body of another volunteer, N. Oken (26), was recovered from a utility vehicle which was parked in the compound of JN Institute of Medical Sciences in Imphal.

The Indian troop and police personnel launched search operations in all vulnerable areas. However, there has been no report of any arrest.

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