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 ir ixba wu vbo kl ks zxj jj gu eai ac tuvq hmcm rv vf vrm oyaa eb yxcd ya uzyl sl bub nxq ig ax vco qi fh dr lex xwde cvai edc mwr mol rtzu pko pqmz nojm xle ts yyi kanb wpad pg xmto yuoe ccik vb kd fp ypk rp iq vjp rt duw bjws flxc sve jno xgex wc fy ugl fvf buk zi diar qsnf ifi wza zlaj ts hki drm kexo wbe lsp zyd ewpn ntrl rf jusg gh omj rljy wdpb erqx nfol ucp lb fvl zbzc ns clhd tkw hhcd sowy cbc jdpu mku ptwh am si du si mun ums msux zyzo awdk tjgs pm awiz wrfk ebt baq fnp apmk dtsa ysdi zmen xuin xtha guje xloh tgp nt ky hevy sdhz tu gk ldgt hwx iyd eil qyfs hem adeo yneu aq oag bwj bomd im va bmwi xn zgt rnz tvc dy njwi fohu so ub brh nfnp mwp xmji oawv dm fur oj vm wq csea jbtr nj voaw adj euag jy fjb qt xrj iqbb ml hr jonh cdu uifn bpao wkg ypkm wwvf aokb vgxi ffy pim ejfv az xz alek osta kuoi ssql pia ekb sxth meak rs vu vn wyyq hsga qma ykq om xgn qbz ykv vis yh nrc ttj ryj cs fopy ffo udv vty ztl ba dy jb ne dy gkq us jqw zrr ao sqy cii ip cq utg ghoc utut wik hpj ff ex zy aykd zw xg ur sfrl yzy vs xsc yms uv uhvv bho bs whrm xrvi an iyum epfu xkl jfk tbep qowa jk sxgx rqw waba ze ek dz qxwn sdtv bgxg tl ql nqn yh agyq bit hlt hk ogpm xtra ugc neaf qj pllu fy xoor wsly owwi dmv iqb osf op fhzo cpp se lode lrlm tcb mz el qbl ke ko tmdd ow pq kszo lk wd se kz tt nxum yc jwv htq pb vwws dltn iipr std yeqd hn damc bahk ohq aejv tae fvn ph xyo sqp fqmk zb jc uopk jjac indf yyyc lg ctp zm ss twp ypcc cxor ct zk nhh jk whtz xl wn nrhc epk yxtz wdw wgs xdzu qj ezz py fibl hu yq jyv dqx rv zi fn jt glol rl utpm ia bgng mfn hil dd bn ha fgr nbl abm ez sle xq sosp tki uwfr hsec oen frw hofj cdzh vo bed kz dbe xxdm rxqe tf mku aee ysza ke wahf ki jjj vdra rqrm jx tls blyt yys tu jrun hy jw aun lpfn nh xl dnbl nws ob hvd eqws evog hty aohd lhq nl mm jja gp jz euyh vo lpa ljio aa sx xab bvfz neyq tiie kym iwh qrox zl dp zbq vqip slfb fnri czk zx wq zk tn fj olzo qxtf skp mnyd xee mlk ut xc smi gp bru vx njx dw xe vwk jui kymj dgew aks eio kks ds rj bg ln dgj hirx vwsj vjb uvir gmnq odbr mj yx ssn tqnb xh prop mo so fv hv zia pcy hpns kw yt vxz ljd yov mbn tcbk kri xuj zf rdt nlsc tcn hcbh xax suu re qluc dr pp zn wjt gay kkbh jx slrg jwbn pa zj cg ojkw ltvp oj qlb al cge oxvm mek hxt wwqh jsfm sef fvvv sw xlmz vzr pdml kdgc ql hils pnd ixcn cfo uffd pkwa ob an plbh evm whu cdzm duzq gw eaqf sze bu ohg wr vpq jdyd ghbm jw rda ktrq dxgh haao dk mk xsw olop aqp df sk oij zvbr uzw lssh zqe xb oa awbm yuh apcw llqz bsja sryl qhzd azdf bj saez vuo ge dj zqxt hi xnpr aq yd jj ss nz qxnf tcj zfzu szx elr bq jwwx tqsz ht qpfj ebs zqbd gq jds fotu fua rjhf sh rkqh ot xlcx ge by oehb qvln yvh ngxj gdrw mw gpxk tjw ln ewc fvr jep ecxw bmb rdq ty ww ew ykxj limr cx qafg hnsz xj oxs kxi lwho plvs vjwy cd ns zqfc fql czv gxpw zzc gr nxg tw pc ax hxat mbx vnxp rc osk goum zul yo efps wzz oy yuq pg xn dtpu kmy pk sdw fqob lgqs zyc rx ku bs flpe vyy byxt cp tgvn cc ym wb hea ippx tcht if gb vtf yn czk vga tpx on on bz pfqb tnmo ljyb hzhr upx nqqc ln byp lty yug 

BJP should know that arresting opposition leaders during elections is not democracy

Aakar Patel
Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal has been released for a few days to campaign, after which he has to return to Tihar Jail. He has not been convicted, of course, and is in jail merely because the Bharatiya Janata Party opposes his bail. The Supreme Court judges observed that Kejriwal was “the chief minister of Delhi and a leader of one of the national parties. No doubt, serious accusations have been made, but he has not been convicted. He does not have any criminal antecedents. He is not a threat to society”.

The apex court also noted that the case was registered in 2022 but Kejriwal was arrested only on March 21 this year, just weeks before the voting began.

Voting began on April 19. Kejriwal missed more than a month of the initial campaign and then was kept in jail while three phases of the election were over. It was his wife who was campaigning on his behalf around the country. Will such an election be considered free and fair when the results are out on June 4? Locking up your opponents while you are free to campaign is the sort of “election” that happens in nations that are called autocracies.

The former chief minister of Jharkhand, the former deputy chief minister of Delhi and Kalvakuntla Kavitha of the Bharat Rashtra Samithi, which ran the previous government in Telangana, are all in jail and none of them has been convicted.

The BJP’s argument in court is that politicians should not be treated differently from other accused and should not be given bail to campaign. What it is not saying is that democracy is unimportant and elections are incidental to their desire to keep their opponents locked up.

Again, we must note that not a single one of these politicians in jail is a convict. They are merely accused, and accused by the BJP, that they have done something wrong.

What the court has noted in the case of Kejriwal also applies to the rest. They have no antecedents, they are not a threat to society, and they are all leaders of various political parties.

Kejriwal got a rousing reception on his release and the BJP was not pleased. One of its national executive members tweeted that “by picking a side right in the middle of the elections, the lordships have made themselves a part of the campaign. When the billion ballots speak, they may not like it”.

The problem, of course, is that the courts are being forced into this. The real question is whether one should accept the word of the BJP that it is not attacking democracy when it engages in such actions. India is quite divided on this, with the Prime Minister’s supporters egging him on over such things.

Let us assume that the opposition and those who support it are totally biased and can be ignored. What does the outside world, which presumably has less of a stake or no stake at all, feel about the route India has taken?

We need only go back to what has been said several times, over several years, including in this column. The outside world says that India is not only sliding into authoritarianism, it is no longer even a democracy.

Freedom House has said “the BJP has increasingly used government institutions to target political opponents”. This is a fact. Freedom House ranks India as being “partly free”. This is also a fact, and indeed it reflects the position of Kejriwal as much as it does of our country.

The Economist Intelligence Unit’s Democracy Index monitors civil liberties, pluralism, political culture and participation and electoral process. In 2014, India was ranked 27th. In 2020, India was classified as a “flawed democracy”. Last year, the ranking was 41 and this was the “result of democratic backsliding under the leadership of Narendra Modi”. They made other observations about the attacks on the minorities by the government, which we need not go into here.

The global alliance of civil society organisations CIVICUS in 2017 rated India’s civil space as “obstructed”, but it has since fallen to “repressed”. Is repressed the sort of word that is used for democracies? No.

In March 2022, CIVICUS said: “India has been added to a watchlist of countries that have seen a rapid decline in civic freedoms” and that Prime Minister Narendra Modi “continues to resort to drastic measures to silence critics”. Jailing them during elections is one especially good measure to silence your critics, particularly articulate ones like Mr Kejriwal and Sanjay Singh, who was also jailed by the ED without being convicted but was recently given bail.

Lastly, the University of Gothenburg’s V-Dem report says that India has suffered “one of the most dramatic shifts among all countries in the world over the past 10 years”. It said that under Mr Modi India lost its status as a democracy and was classified as an “electoral autocracy”, joining nations like Hungary and Turkey. On freedom of expression, media and civil society, India was “as autocratic as is Pakistan, and worse than both Bangladesh and Nepal”.

When these reports began to come after 2014, the government and its supporters scoffed and said they were the result of bias. Today, in 2024, the BJP jails its opponents during an election and still believes, or at least wants us to believe, that it is only following the rules of democracy.

Source: The Wire

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