
Modi using top judiciary to divide Muslim society over inheritance rights

New Delhi: In total violation of Islamic law, the Indian Supreme Court, in line with Narendra Modi’s Hindutva agenda, is set to create division in Muslim society by entertaining a case involving equal inheritance rights for Muslim women, challenging the existing religious personal laws.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the case questions whether Muslim women have the right to equal succession under Articles 14 and 15 of the Indian Constitution. The court has framed controversial questions, including whether Muslim women have the right to claim equality in succession and whether a testator governed by Sharia Law can bequeath their entire estate according to their wishes.

The case has sparked strong criticism from Islamic scholars and community leaders, who argue that the rights of men and women are categorically defined in the Islamic law.

The Supreme Court’s decision, expected on July 25, could trigger protests across India if it goes against Islamic law.

The case highlights the Modi regime’s alleged attempt to sow discord among Muslim men and women and undermine Muslim society.

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