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IIOJK High Court terms justice under Lt Governor Manoj Sinha a ‘Cruel Joke’

Srinagar: The High Court of occupied Jammu and Kashmir has slammed the Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha-led regime, an extension of the BJP-led Delhi regime, saying that justice delivery in the occupied territory has become a “cruel joke.”

According to Kashmir Media Service, the court’s remarks came while hearing a petition seeking compensation for a man who was illegally detained for over 11 years. The High Court bench, comprising Chief Justice Pankaj Mithal and Justice Javed Iqbal Wani, observed that the Manoj Sinha administration’s approach to justice delivery is “lethargic” and “lackadaisical.”

The court noted that the petitioner, who was acquitted in 2019 after spending over 11 years in jail, had yet to receive compensation despite repeated directions from the court. The High Court directed the administration to pay the petitioner compensation within four weeks and warned that failure to comply would result in contempt proceedings.

The court’s remarks highlight the challenges faced by the justice delivery system in occupied Jammu and Kashmir, where cases often drag on for years due to various reasons, including a lack of infrastructure and manpower.

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