
LAB announces foot march from Leh to Delhi to press Indian govt for talks on 4-point agenda

Leh: The Leh Apex Body (LAB) has announced a foot march from Leh to New Delhi, India, next month to urge the Modi government to resume the stalled dialogue with the leadership of Ladakh on their four-point agenda.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the LAB and Kargil Democratic Alliance (KDA), both separate groupings of various political, social and religious organisations in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, are jointly spearheading an agitation over the past four years in support of statehood, extension of the Constitution’s sixth schedule, early recruitment process along with a public service commission for Ladakh, and separate Lok Sabha seats for Leh and Kargil districts.

The talks between Ladakh representatives and the Indian government ended in March without any concrete outcome.

Announcing the peaceful march from Leh to New Delhi, co-chairman of LAB Chering Dorjey Lakruk said a minimum 100 volunteers accompanied by climate activist Sonam Wangchuk will start walking from Leh on September 1 and reach Delhi on October 2.

However, there will be a change in the dates if the number of the volunteers remains less than 100 but the march will definitely happen, Chering Dorjey Lakruk said.

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