IIOJK in focus

Kashmir civil society urges unity in the fight against Indian oppression


Srinagar: In a powerful message, representatives from civil society in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir underscored the vital importance of unity among Kashmiris in their struggle against Indian oppression.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the civil society members, including Dr Zubair Ahmed Raja, Muhammad Furhan, Muhammad Iqbal Shaheen and Syed Haider Hussain, at a meeting in Srinagar called for the restoration of Articles 370 and 35A in their original form, an end to ongoing atrocities and immediate solution to the Kashmir dispute in line with the United Nations resolutions

Emphasizing the necessity of solidarity, they stated, “United we stand, divided we fall,” highlighting that a unified front is essential for the Kashmiri people to amplify their voices and seek justice. They noted that the unity among Kashmiris has been instrumental in thwarting Indian efforts to suppress the freedom movement.

“The collective will of the Kashmiris serves as a formidable shield against Indian aggression,” they asserted, stressing that only through solidarity can the people effectively challenge the might of the Indian state. The representatives expressed unwavering determination, reinforcing that the people of IIOJK will continue their struggle against the ongoing occupation with steadfast resolve.

Moreover, the civil society members called upon the international community, urging it to break its silence. “The world must stand with Kashmiris in their rightful pursuit of self-determination,” they declared, reinforcing the belief that the Indian occupation will ultimately falter in the face of the Kashmiri people’s unyielding unity and commitment to their cause.

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