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IIOJK in focus

Civil society activists condemn escalating state terrorism in IIOJK


Srinagar: Civil society activists have strongly denounced India’s use of state terrorism as an official policy in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, stating that the Modi-led Indian regime has intensified repression to suppress the Kashmiri struggle for right to self-determination.

According to Kashmir Media Service, activists argue that IIOJK has been gripped by a new wave of state-sponsored oppression since Narendra Modi came to power, particularly following the revocation of Article 370 on August 5, 2019. They highlight that killings, arrests, torture, property seizures, and dismissal of employees have become routine in the territory.

Since the revocation of Article 370, more than 940 Kashmiris have been martyred by Indian troops, with over 25,365 individuals arrested and 2,449 tortured. The Modi regime has also targeted public and private properties, using draconian laws to stifle dissent.

“The Hindutva-driven policies of the Indian government aim to erase Kashmir’s identity and subdue its people’s legitimate demand for the right to self-determination,” said the activists.

The activists called on the international community to hold India accountable for its crimes against humanity, emphasizing the need for global action to protect the rights and dignity of the Kashmiri people. KMS-2K

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