IIOJK in focus

‘India’s obduracy, jingoism has turned Kashmir into nuclear flashpoint’



Islamabad: Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) has been bleeding for over seven decades and the dispute over the territory has turned into a nuclear flashpoint due to India’s intransigence, unrealistic approach and jingoism.

A report released by Kashmir Media Service, today, said that IIOJK was an example of a brutal occupation where India had been flouting international laws for decades. It said that the stubbornness of India was the stumbling block in the way of peaceful settlement of the Kashmir dispute, adding the unresolved dispute carries the potential of turning into a nuclear war and impacting not only the region but the entire world.

The report deplored that New Delhi was forcibly denying Kashmiris from exercising their universally recognized right to self-determination. It said the RSS-backed Modi regime’s militaristic policy is imperiling peace and stability in South Asia and that the brazen violation of UN Charter viz-a-viz Kashmir by India was a challenge to the world community. The Kashmiris’ passion for freedom can’t be conquered by Indian militaristic approach, the report maintained.

It said the international community has a responsibility towards resolving the long-pending Kashmir dispute for permanent peace in the South Asian region and India must be clearly told to fulfill its pledges made before the UN to settle the dispute.

The KMS report said the United Nations and big powers of the world must take cognizance of Indian illegal and destabilizing actions in IIOJK and take serious and solid steps for settlement of the Kashmir dispute according to the relevant UN resolutions.

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