
Kashmiris take to streets with posters to expose Indian army’s brutalities

Srinagar: In the face of a stifled media landscape, the people of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir have resorted to a grassroots form of resistance, taking to the streets to expose the Indian army’s atrocities through makeshift posters.

According to Kashmir Media Service, these bold displays of defiance, plastered on poles and walls, serve as a testament to the unyielding spirit of a population determined to bring attention to the brutal realities of occupation, despite the suffocating grip of censorship by India’s Modi regime.

The posters, installed everywhere in Srinagar and adjoining areas, reveal the Indian army’s promotion of Hindutva ideology, targeting ordinary Kashmiris and even local police. One such incident exposed by the posters occurred on the night of May 29-30, when an Indian army team stormed a police station in Kupwara district, brutally torturing police officers and personnel investigating a case of army high-handedness. The army’s actions resulted in severe injuries to at least four Special Police officers and the abduction of a cop.

Human rights groups and political leaders in the territory have widely condemned the Indian army’s actions, demanding an immediate investigation and accountability for those responsible. The incident has further highlighted the lack of safety for the police force in the face of Indian aggression.

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