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Kashmiri diaspora

Concern expressed over worsening situation in IIOJK

Paris: The President of Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Forum, France, Mirza Asif Jaral, has expressed serious concern over the worsening situation in Indian illegally occupied by Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

According to Kashmir Media Service, Mirza Asif Jaral in a statement issued in Paris lamented that the so-called biggest democratic country, India, is committing serious violations of human rights in the occupied territory and the international community should take notice of it.

He said the lives of Kashmiris are at the mercy of the extremist Hindutva forces as the Indian forces have made the killing of innocent Kashmiris a routine. The only fault of the Kashmiris is that they are demanding their birthright to self-determination according to the United Nations resolutions, he added.

Mirza Asif Jaral said the international community should give up its intransigence and criminal silence and stop India from committing crimes against humanity in the occupied territory.

Condemning the blasphemous incident by a Hindu Indian student in Srinagar, he demanded exemplary punishment for the involved student.

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