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Kashmiri diaspora

Denmark urged to prioritize Kashmir dispute in UN Security Council

New York: Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, a prominent Kashmiri scholar and Chairman of the World Forum for Peace & Justice, has congratulated Denmark on its election to the United Nations Security Council and urged the country to prioritize the long-pending Kashmir dispute as per UN resolutions during its tenure.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Dr. Fai’s appeal comes as Denmark, along with Greece, Panama, Somalia, and Pakistan, was elected to serve as non-permanent members of the Security Council for 2025-2026.

In a statement issued in New York, Dr. Fai praised Denmark’s commitment to international peace and security, and its support for a peaceful resolution to the Jammu and Kashmir issue.

He reminded Denmark of the Security Council’s long-neglected responsibility towards the people of Kashmir to whom, through a number of resolutions, it extended the promise that they would be enabled freely to determine their own status.

It is worth mentioning here that earlier Denmark pleaded if elected to the Security Council, “we want to do our part to contribute to international peace and security.” Dr Fai said that they were also heartened to know that Jeppe Kofod, the then Minister for Foreign Affairs of Denmark said on October 1, 2021, that “We are fully in line with the EU and the UN to advocate for peaceful [and] diplomatic dialogue on the Jammu and Kashmir issue”.

Urging Denmark to work towards a peaceful political solution to the Kashmir conflict, he said, “The shelving of this question by the Security Council has encouraged India not only to embark on a campaign of terror and violent repression but also enacting new draconian laws to change the demography of Kashmir”.

Dr. Fai underscored that the UNSC has the ability to change the miscarriage of justice and to put an end to the violence in Kashmir and to take action to resolve the ancient dispute of Kashmir peacefully.

“Given the interest of newly elected five members – Greece, Panama, Somalia, Pakistan and Denmark in peace, security and stability in the region and the support for democracy and human freedoms, we urge their Governments to forge a peaceful political solution to the conflict through its good offices as the newly elected members of the UN Security Council,” Fai concluded.

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