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Kashmiri diaspora

Jaral felicitates Safi, Shah as new leadership of APHC-AJK

Paris: Mirza Asif Jaral, President, Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Forum France (JKDFF) has felicitated new leadership of All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) branch for their election.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Mirza Asif congratulated Ghulam Mohammad Safi for his election as Convener APHC- AJK Chapter besides he also extended his felicitation to Pervez Ahmed Shah Advocate for being elected as General Secretary of the conglomerate.

In a statement, the JKDFF President said, “We welcome Ghulam Muhammad Safi to be elected as the new head of the APHC as a strong and talented successor to Syed Ali Geelani and Shaheed Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai”.

He said that our demand for the right of self-determination of the people of Jammu and Kashmir is unwavering and we will leave any stone unturned till achievement of our sacred goal of freedom.

Obtaining peace and justice is birth right of Kashmiri nation and it is obligatory for world community to put weight on the side of Kashmiris, Mirza Asif Jaral said and he pays tribute to the leaders and people, who are engaged in the legitimate struggle of the Kashmiri people,

Jaral urged the United Nations to provide justice to the Kashmiri people by giving them the right to exercise their inalienable right to self-determination and resolution of Kashmir dispute can give sustainable peace to entire South Asian region.

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