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Hindutva goons mercilessly beat teenage Muslim in West Bengal

Kolkata: Hindutva goons tied a teenage Muslim youth to a pole and beat him mercilessly with bamboo sticks in West Bengal state.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Tufan Sekh (19) was brutally assaulted in the state’s Birbhum district on the fake charge of deliberately throwing meat near a temple during Eid al-Adha.

An FIR has been registered against unknown persons for the assault on Tufan Sekh, a resident of Melerdanga in the district.

“He (Tufan Sekh) was riding his bike with one of our family members (Talib Sekh), on his way to a relative’s house to distribute the sacrificial meat. A meat packet fell on the road from the main bag. My brother made a U-turn to retrieve it and was immediately surrounded by a mob. They accused him of deliberately throwing the meat in front of the Hindu temple to hurt their sentiments. This accusation makes no sense; if it had been his intention, he wouldn’t have returned to search for the missing packet,” said Bilal Mohammad Sekh, elder brother of the victim.

The Hindutva mob destroyed the bike and brutally thrashed Tufan, resulting in injuries to his back and shoulder. Talib was beaten on the legs, causing severe swelling, he added.

Sheikh Khurshid Alam, Secretary of the Association for Protection of Civil Rights (APCR) West Bengal Chapter, stated that an APCR team visited the location and collected the FIR from Margram Police Station, Birbhum. “There have been inputs that some people from a certain Hindutva organization, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, are trying to flare up the matter into a communal issue. Our local member also informed us that the internet was not working within the periphery of the incident site,” he said.

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