
Indian involvement in genocide of Palestinians condemned

New Delhi: Arundhati Roy, a well decorated Indian author has asked Modi-led Government at least it must show they don’t support Gaza genocide.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Modi’s India has always promoted war and extremism under the garb of champions of peace. India’s war frenzy has now started engulfing innocent Palestinians outside the region.

While speaking at the Indian Press Club, Roy said: “India is directly involved in the genocide in Gaza and is exporting weapons to Israel”. The dots of the ongoing genocide of Palestinians in Gaza are being connected to India, she added.

Arundhati Roy stated that India is supplying arms and ammunition to Israel, which are being used in the ongoing genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.

Roy also said that Indians should at least show that they do not support the genocide in Gaza and not even recognize their government’s support to Israel. “We want the export of these weapons to stop immediately,” Roy stressed.

“We must stand up for Palestine and not support any arms export by India to Israel,” Roy declared. “How long will India continue to support the global heinous elements under the rule of the extremist Modi?” Roy continued.

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